Mickey Mouse and Friends (TV series)
Mickey Mouse and Friends is an American animated television spin-off by Mickey's Mouse Tracks that premiered on Disney Channel in 1994 with animated shorts that featured characters like Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto and more. The show ended in 1997.
- Episode 1
- Mickey's Fire Brigade
- Corn Chips
- Wynken, Blynken and Nod
- Episode 2
- Tugboat Mickey
- Farmyard Symphony
- Donald and Pluto
- Episode 3
- Alpine Climbers
- Canine Casanova
- Goofy's Glider
- Episode 4
- Boat Builders
- Peculiar Penguins
- Donald's Camera
- Episode 5
- Grand Canuonscope
- Self Control
- The Picnic
- Episode 6
- Mickey and the Seal
- The Wise Little Hen
- Pantry Pirate
- Episode 7
- Building a Building
- Sea Salts
- Cured Duck
- Episode 8
- Moose Hunters
- Camp Dog
- First Aiders
- Episode 9
- The Nifty Nineties
- Mother Pluto
- Donald's Golf Game
- Episode 10
- Mickey's Parrot
- Old King Cole
- Pluto at the Zoo
- Episode 11
- Mickey's Grand Opera
- Lullaby Land
- Casey at the Bat
- Episode 12
- Pluto's Quin Puplets
- Cold Turkey
- Donald's Dog Laundry
See also
External links
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