Milliken–Taylor theorem

In mathematics, the Milliken–Taylor theorem in combinatorics is a generalization of both Ramsey's theorem and Hindman's theorem. It is named after Keith Milliken and Alan D. Taylor.

Let \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N}) denote the set of finite subsets of \mathbb{N}, and define a partial order on \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N}) by α<β if and only if max α<min β. Given a sequence of integers \langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^\infty \subset \mathbb{N} and k > 0, let

[FS(\langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^\infty)]^k_< = \left \{ \left \{ \sum \alpha_1, \ldots , \sum \alpha_k \right \}: \alpha_1 ,\cdots , \alpha_k \in \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N})\text{ and }\alpha_1 <\cdots < \alpha_k \right \}.

Let [S]^k denote the k-element subsets of a set S. The Milliken–Taylor theorem says that for any finite partition [\mathbb{N}]^k=C_1 \cup C_2 \cup \cdots \cup C_r, there exist some i r and a sequence \langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^{\infty} \subset \mathbb{N} such that [FS(\langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^{\infty})]^k_< \subset C_i.

For each \langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^\infty \subset \mathbb{N}, call [FS(\langle a_n \rangle_{n=0}^\infty)]^k_< an MTk set. Then, alternatively, the Milliken–Taylor theorem asserts that the collection of MTk sets is partition regular for each k.


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