Mineral hashemite

Hashemite is a very rare barium chromate mineral[1] with the formula Ba(Cr,S)O4.[2] It is a representative of natural chromates - a relatively small and rare group of minerals. Hashemite is the barium-analogue of tarapacáite. It is also the chromium-analogue of baryte, and belongs to the baryte group of minerals. Hashemite is stoichiometrically similar to crocoite and chromatite.[1] Hashemite is orthorhombic, with space group Pnma. I was found together with chromium-bearing ettringite and an apatite group mineral in the Hatrurim Formation,[2] known for the occurrence of rocks formed due to natural pyrometamorphism.[1] Hashemite is named after the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.[2]


  1. 1 2 3 "Hashemite: Hashemite mineral information and data". Mindat.org. Retrieved 2016-03-05.
  2. 1 2 3 Hauff, P.L., Foord, E.E., and Rosenblum, S., 1983. Hashemite, Ba(Cr,S)O4, a new mineral from Jordan. American Mineralogist 68, 1223-1225.
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