Ministry of Industry (Spain)
The responsibilities of the Spanish Ministry of Industry have varied greatly over time, until 2000 grouped industrial competence and energy. Then created the Ministry of Science and Technology that took over most of its powers. With the change of government in 2004 the Ministry was re-created assuming the powers of trade and tourism that previously belonged to the Ministry of Economy and even in some periods were an independent ministry.
Headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, in Madrid.
The Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) now depends on the Ministry of Industry and the Comisión Nacional de Energía (CNE) is in this Ministry.
- Regency of Maria Christina of Austria (1885–1902)
- (April 1900 - October 1900) Rafael Gasset Chinchilla (14).
- (October 1900 - June 1901) Joaquín Sánchez de Toca Calvo (14).
- (June 1901 - March 1902) Miguel Villanueva (14).
- Reign of Alfonso XIII (1902–1931)
- (March 1902 - May 1902) José Canalejas (14).
- (May 1902 - November 1902) Félix Súarez Inclán (14).
- (November 1902 - December 1902) Amós Salvador Rodrigáñez (14).
- (December 1902 - July 1903) Francisco Javier González de Castejón y Elío (14).
- (July 1903 - December 1903) Rafael Gasset Chinchilla (14).
- (December 1903 - December 1904) Manuel Allendesalazar y Muñoz de Salazar (14).
- (December 1904 - December 1904) Juan Armada y Losada (14).
- (December 1904 - January 1905) José de Cardenas Uriarte (14).
- (January 1905 - October 1905) Alvaro Figueroa y Torres (14).
- (September 1918 - December 1918) Juan Ventosa (15).
- (December 1918 - February 1919) Baldomero Argente (15).
- (February 1919 - April 1919) Leonardo Rodríguez Díaz (15).
- (April 1919 - July 1919) José Maestre Pérez (15).
- (July 1919 - September 1919) Carlos Cañal (15).
- (September 1919 - December 1919) Fernando Sartórius (15).
- (December 1919 - May 1920) Francisco Terán Morales (15).
- (3/ 1922 - December 1922) Abilio Calderón Rojo (16).
- (December 1922 - September 1923) Joaquín Chapaprieta Torregrosa(16).
- Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923–1931)
- (September 1923 - December 1923) Alejandro García Martín (16).
- (December 1923 - February 1924) Juan Flórez Posada (16).
- (February 1924 - November 1928) Eduardo Aunós Pérez (16).
- (November 1928 - January 1930) Francisco Moreno Zuleta (17).
- (January 1930 - January 1930) Sebastián Castedo Palero (17).
- (February 1930 - August 1930) Julio Wais San Martín (17).
- (August 1930 - February 1931) Luis Rodríguez de Viguri (17).
- (February 1931 - April 1931) Gabino Bugallal (17).
- Second Republic (1931–1939)
- (December 1931 – June 1933) Marcelino Domingo Sanjuán (13).
- (June 1933 – September 1933) José Roca Franchy and (10).
- (September 1933 – 10 1933) Laureano Gómez Paratcha (10).
- (October 1933 – December 1933) Felix Gordon de Ordaz (10).
- (December 1933 – April 1934) Ricardo Samper Ibáñez (10).
- (April 1934 – October 1934) Vicente Iranzo Enguita (10).
- (October 1934 – April 1935) Andres Orozco Batista (10).
- (April 1935 – May 1935) Manuel Marraco Ramon (10).
- (May 1935 – September 1935) Rafael Aizpún Santafé (10).
- (September 1935 – October 1935) José Martínez de Velasco (12).
- (October 1935 – December 1935) John Usabiaga Lasquivar (12).
- (December 1935 – December 1935) Joaquín de Pablo-Blanco Torres (12).
- (December 1935 – February 1936) José María Álvarez Mendizábal (November).
- (February 1935 – September 1936) Plácido Alvarez-Buylla and Lozana (10).
- (September 1936 – November 1936) Anastasio de Gracia Villarrubia (10).
- (November 1936 – May 1937) Joan Peiro Belis (7).
- (November 1936 – May 1937) Juan López Sánchez (8).
- Franco (1936–1975)
- (October 1936 – January 1938) Joaquín Bau (10).
- (January 1938 – August 1939) Juan Antonio Suances (10).
- (August 1939 – October 1940): Luis de Alarcón (10).
- (October 1940 – July 1945) Demetrio Carceller Singh (10).
- (July 1945 – July 1951) Juan Antonio Suances (10).
- (July 1951 – July 1962) Joaquin Planell Riera (7).
- (July 1951 – February 1957) Manuel Arburúa of Miyar (8).
- (July 1951 – July 1962) Gabriel Arias-Salgado (9).
- (February 1957 – July 1965) Alberto Ullastres (8).
- (July 1962 – 10 1969) Gregorio López-Bravo (7).
- (July 1962 – 10 1969) Manuel Fraga Iribarne (9).
- (July 1965 – 10 1969) Faustino Garcia-Moncada Fernández (8).
- (October 1969 – January 1974) José María López de Letona (7).
- (October 1969 – June 1973) Enrique Fontana (8).
- (October 1969 – June 1973) Alfredo Sanchez Bella (9).
- (June 1973 – January 1974) Augustine Cotorruelo (8).
- (June 1973 – January 1974) Lilian Fernando (9).
- (January 1974 – March 1975) Alfredro Santos Blanco (7).
- (January 1974 – March 1975) Nemesio Fernández Cuesta (8).
- (January 1974 – March 1975) Pío Cabanillas Gallas (9).
- (March 1975 – December 1975) Alfonso Álvarez Miranda (7).
- (March 1975 – December 1975) José Luis Ceron Ayuso (8).
- (March 1975 – December 1975) Herrera Esteban León (September).
- Reign of Juan Carlos I
- Preconstitutional Period
- (December 1975 – July 1977) Carlos Pérez Bricio Olariaga (7).
- (December 1975 – July 1976) Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo (8).
- (December 1975 – July 1976) Adolfo Martín-Gamero (9).
- (July 1976 – July 1977) José Lladó Fernández-Urrutia (8).
- (July 1976 – July 1977) Andrés Guajardo Reguera (9).
- Preconstitutional Period
- Constituent Assembly (1977–1979)
- (August 1977 – February 1978) Alberto Oliart Saussol, UCD (7)
- (August 1977 – April 1979) Juan Antonio García Díez, UCD (8)
- (February 1978 – April 1979) Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún, UCD (3)
- Constituent Assembly (1977–1979)
- I Legislature (1979–1982)
- (April 1979 – May 1980) Juan Antonio García Díez, UCD (8)
- (April 1979 – May 1980) Carlos Bustelo García del Real UCD (7)
- (May 1980 – December 1982) Ignacio Bayon Marine UCD (3)
- (December 1981 – December 1982): Luis Gámir, UCD (6).
- I Legislature (1979–1982)
- II Legislature (1982–1986)
- (December 1982 – July 1985) Carlos Solchaga Catalan, PSOE (3)
- (July 1985 – July 1986) Joan Majó Cruzate, PSOE (3)
- II Legislature (1982–1986)
- III Legislature (1986–1989)
- (July 1986 – July 1988): Luis Carlos Croissier Batista, PSOE (3)
- (July 1988 – 1989) Claudio Aranzadi, PSOE (3).
- III Legislature (1986–1989)
- IV Legislature (1989–1993)
- (1989 – July 1993) Claudio Aranzadi, PSOE (3), (5)
- IV Legislature (1989–1993)
- V Legislature (1993–1996)
- (July 1993 – May 1996) Juan Manuel Eguiagaray, PSOE (3)
- (July 1993 – May 1996) Javier Gomez-Navarro, PSOE (4)
- V Legislature (1993–1996)
- VI Legislature (1996–2000)
- (May 1996 – April 2000) Josep Piqué i Camps, PP (3)
- VI Legislature (1996–2000)
- Seventh Legislature (2000–2004)
- (April 2000 – July 2002 Ana Birulés, PP (2)
- (July 2002 – September 2003 Josep Piqué i Camps, PP (2)
- (September 2003 – April 2004 Juan Costa Climent, PP (2)
- Seventh Legislature (2000–2004)
- VIII Legislature (2004–2008)
- (April 2004 – September 2006) José Montilla Aguilera, PSOE (1)
- (September 2006 – April 2008) Joan Clos i Matheu, PSOE (1)
- VIII Legislature (2004–2008)
- IX Legislature (2008–2011)
- (April 2008 - December 2011): Miguel Sebastián Gascón, PSOE (1)
- IX Legislature (2008–2011)
- X Legislature (2011-2015)
- (December 2011 - April 15th, 2016): José Manuel Soria López, PP (18)
- X Legislature (2011-2015)
- XI Legislature (2015-2016)
- No Government created. Vacant position.
- XI Legislature (2015-2016)
List of Ministers of Industry
- (1) Industry, Tourism and Trade.
- (2) Science and Technology.
- (3) Industry and Energy.
- (4) Trade and Tourism.
- (5) Industry, Trade and Tourism.
- (6) Trade and Tourism.
- (7) Industry.
- (8) Trade.
- (9) Information and Tourism.
- (10) Industry and Trade.
- (11) Industry, Commerce and Supplies.
- (12) Industry, Commerce and Agriculture.
- (13) Agriculture, Trade and Industry.
- (14) Agriculture, Trade, Commerce and Public Works
- (15) Supplies
- (16) Work, Commerce and Industry
- (17) National Economy
- (18) Industry, Energy and Tourism
See also
Notes and references
External links
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