
Minjona Women's Choir
Origin Riga, Latvia
Founding 1975 (41 years ago)
Founder University of Latvia
Members approximately 30
Choirmaster Evija Vanaga, Elīna Auziņa-Baiguševa
Organist Ilze Dzērve
Chief Conductor Romāns Vanags
Headquarters Raiņa Boulevard 19, Riga, Latvia
Affiliation University of Latvia
Awards 9th top femal choir of the world (2015) [1]
Website www.minjona.lu.lv

Minjona is a women's choir based at the University of Latvia. The choir was founded in 1975 by artistic director Viesturs Gailis.[2] In 1977, it was given the name "Minjona."[3] In 2015, Minjona was named the 9th top women's choir in the world.[4]



The first appearance of the choir occurred in 1974, when female students of the Pēteris Stučka Latvian State University were called to audition for a female choir.[5][6] Viesturs Gailis, the founder of the new collective, was the first year student of Latvian State Conservatory and a son of Daumants Gallis who, at the time, was artistic director and chief conductor of the mixed choir "Juventus".[6]

The two driving forces behind the formation of the women's choir were:

The first audition took place on 24 December 1974, followed by the first rehearsal on 11 February 1975. Since then, the date of the first rehearsal is commemorated as the choir's anniversary.[6][9]

The first public performance took place on 1 June 1975 in the Aula Magna of the University of Latvia during Childhood festivity.[6][10] In May 1976, Minjona presented their first full concert.[11] In Autumn 1975, the choir was called to Latvian Television to record their first sound and video record: the Latvian folk songs "Tumša nakte, zaļa zāle" and "Bēdu, manu lielu bēdu".[6][9]


On April 5, 1977 the choir was given a name – "Minjona",[6][12] which was inspired by the character "Mignon" in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s work Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship [Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre]. The choice of name was inspired by Gailis' father, known as an interpreter of the music of Emīls Dārziņš. Dārziņš had composed a piece titled "Minjona" for mixed choir; Gailis adapted this music for women's choir to commemorate the naming of the choir.[6][13][14] This song is based on one of Goethe's Songs of Mignon, the poem "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?" This song became for many years an anthem of the choir.[15]

Creative directors and chief conductors

Concert masters




Participation in music recording






  1. According to INTERKULTUR World Rankings as of April 2015. Available at: http://www.interkultur.com/leftnavi/world-rankings/
  2. "Minjona", Enciklopēdija "Rīga", Rīga, Galvenā enciklopēdiju redakcija, 1988, 476. lpp.
  3. Sarma, S. "Turpmāk – "Minjona"", Padomju Students, Nr. 31, 1977. 28. aprīlis, 3. lpp.
  4. "World Rankings of Women's Choirs". Interkulture. April 2015.
  5. "Lai balstiņas kopā skan!", Padomju Students, Nr. 14, 1974. 19. decembris, 4. lpp.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ločmele, A., Jarinovska, K., "Sieviešu koris "Minjona"", Pēc 6 mirkļiem 100 gadi. 2013. 26. septembris. Available at: http://www.mirkli.lu.lv/kori/sieviesu-koris-minjona/
  7. Rijnieks, J. "Vēl desmit", Dzimtenes Balss. 1981. 8. janvārī.
  8. Rijnieks, J., "Vēl desmit", Dzimtenes Balss. 1981. 8. janvārī.
  9. 1 2 Minjona: hronika (11.02.1975. –19.03.1977.): albums [manuskripts], [Rīga, 1975/1977].
  10. Brinkmane, I. "Dāvāsim dziesmu", Padomju Students, Nr. 5, 1985. 17. oktobris, 3. lpp.
  11. P. Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes Sieviešu kora koncerts: koncertafiša, [Rīga, 1976.] Available at: http://www.mirkli.lu.lv/kori/sieviesu-koris-minjona/
  12. Sarma, S. "Turpmāk – "Minjona"", Padomju Students, Nr. 31, 1977, 28. aprīlis, 3. lpp.
  13. Letonika.lv. http://www.letonika.lv/groups/default.aspx?q=Blaumanis&id=2675753&&g=3
  14. "Minjona" (Nr. 36), Dziesmu Pūrs, Nr. 10, 1901. 1. oktobris. Available at: http://www.periodika.lv/periodika2-viewer/view/index-dev.html#panel:pp|issue:/p_001_dzpu1901n10|article:DIVL45|query:Minjona|issueType:P
  15. Latvijas Universitāte. http://www.minjona.lu.lv/kolektivs/vesture/
  16. 1 2 University of Latvia. Available at: http://www.minjona.lu.lv/kolektivs/vesture/
  17. University of Latvia. Available at: http://www.minjona.lu.lv/kolektivs/konkursi/
  18. INTERKULTUR World Rankings (February 2013). Available at: http://www.interkultur.com/leftnavi/world-rankings/
  19. According to INTERKULTUR World Rankings as of April 2015. Available at: http://www.interkultur.com/leftnavi/world-rankings/
  20. "LMB 2013: Nominanti kategorijā Gada koncerts", DELFI Kultūra, 14 February 2014. Available at: http://www.delfi.lv/kultura/news/liela-muzikas-balva/lmb-2013-nominanti-kategorija-gada-koncerts.d?id=44100877
  21. "Foto: Jāzepa Vītola 150. dzimšanas dienai veltītais koncerts LU aulā", Apollo, 3 July 2013. Available at: http://apollo.tvnet.lv/zinas/foto-jazepa-vitola-150-dzimsanas-dienai-veltitais-koncerts-lu-aula/575105
  22. Jarinovska, K. "LU koris Minjona koncertēs Rīgas Sv. Pētera baznīcā", Latvijas Universitāte, 28 March 2014. Accessible: http://www.kultura.lu.lv/zinas/t/26295/
  23. 1 2 "Paziņo Mūzikas ierakstu Gada balvas nominācijas", DELFI. Available at: http://www.delfi.lv/kultura/news/music/pazino-muzikas-ierakstu-gada-balvas-nominacijas.d?id=13466439
  24. Latvijas Universitāte. http://www.minjona.lu.lv/diskografija/
  25. Baltic Records Group, BRG CD 224. See. Latvijas mūzikas informācijas centrs. Available at: http://lmic.lv/core.php?pageId=722&id=383&profile=1
  26. Baltic Records Group, BRG CD 159. Seet. Latvijas mūzikas informācijas centrs. Available at: http://www.lmic.lv/core.php?pageId=722&id=298&profile=1
  27. Branko, Stark. The Halleluyeah Song Book. Sacred Songs for Joyful Singing. Vol. 2 for equal voices SSAA/TTBB a cappella. Croatia, BeSTMUISIC, pp. 5—7.
  28. Jarinovska, Kristīne (Latvijas Universitāte, 2014. 28. marts) "LU koris Minjona koncertēs Rīgas Sv. Pētera baznīcā". Available at: http://www.kultura.lu.lv/zinas/t/26295/; Aurelio Porfiri. "Laudate Pueri Dominum" für Frauenchor und Orchester. Edition Ferrimontana. Verlag für internationale Chormusik EF2970.
  29. Rancāne, Anna. "Minjona", Padomju Students, 1980. 5. jūnijs.
  30. Latvijas izgudrojumi un izgudrotāji. Edīte Kaufmane. Available at: http://inventions.lza.lv/sel.php?id=2

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