Miriam Greatest Hits

Miriam Greatest Hits
Compilation album 千嬅盛放 by Miriam Yeung
Released 4 December 2009 (Worldwide)
Genre Cantopop
Language Cantonese
Label Go East
Miriam Yeung chronology
Living Very Happily
Miriam Greatest Hits
Miriam Yeung New and Best Selections

Miriam Greatest Hits (Chinese: 千嬅盛放) is Cantopop artist Miriam Yeung's (Chinese: 楊千嬅) seventh Compilation album. It was released by Go East on 4 December 2009.

The package includes 3 CDs that includes forty-one Miriam's greatest hits from 1996 to 2006. [1] The package also include a DVD with twelve music videos.

Track listing


  1. 狼來了 (Wolf is Coming)
  2. 再見二丁目 (Farewell, Second Street)
  3. 直覺 (Instinct)
  4. 友誼萬歲 (Friendship Forever)
  5. 手信 (Souvenir)
  6. 數你
  7. 大激想
  8. 因為所以(畢氏定理)
  9. 愛人 (Lover)
  10. 抬起我的頭來 (Lift Up My Head)
  11. 夏天的故事 (Summer Story)
  12. 冰點
  13. 木偶奇遇記
  14. 最後的歌 (Last Song)
  15. 少女的祈禱 (Maiden's Prayer)
  16. 如果東京不快樂 (If Tokyo is Not Happy)
  17. 可人兒


  1. 姊妹 (Sisters)
  2. 野孩子 (Wild Child)
  3. 悲歌之王 (King of Sad Songs)
  4. 假如讓我說下去 (If You Let Me Continue)
  5. 河童
  6. 楊千嬅 (Miriam - Remix)
  7. 閃靈
  8. 勇 (Courage)
  9. 向左走向右走 (Walk to Left, Walk to Right)
  10. 小飛俠 –楊千嬅 / 蔡德才
  11. 可惜我是水瓶座 (Sadly I am an Aquarius)
  12. 笑中有淚 (Hidden Tear in Smiles)
  13. 我是羊 (I am Sheep)
  14. 飛女正傳
  15. 稀客 (Rare Visitors)
  16. 咬唇
  17. 寒舍


  1. 小星星 (Little Stars)
  2. 自由行
  3. 小城大事 (Small City Big Matter)
  4. 處處吻 (Kissing Everywhere)
  5. 煉金術 (Alchemy)
  6. 烈女 (Fierce Lady)
  7. 簡愛 (Simple Love)
  8. 長信不如短訊(長痛不如短痛)
  9. 花與愛麗斯
  10. 超齡 (Overage)
  11. 火紅火熱–楊千嬅/ 梁漢文/ 鄭中基/ 何韻詩
  12. 我的醉愛
  13. 大傻
  14. 我的生存之道
  15. 芬梨道上
  16. 郎來了(ROSE)
  17. 滾 - 楊千嬅/梁漢文


  1. 再見二丁目 (Farewell, Second Street)
  2. 愛人 (Lover)
  3. 抬起我的頭來 (Lift Up My Head)
  4. 如果東京不快樂 (If Tokyo Is Not Happy)
  5. 姊妹 (Sisters)
  6. 野孩子 (Wild Child)
  7. 閃靈
  8. 可惜我是水瓶座 (Sadly I am an Aquarius)
  9. 煉金術 (Alchemy)
  10. 小城大事 (Small City Big Matter)
  11. 郎來了 (Wolf is Coming)
  12. 長信不如短訊 (Rather SMS than Long Letters)


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