
Gregorian chant setting for Kyrie XI notated in neumes.

The Kyriale is a collection of Gregorian chant settings for the Ordinary of the Mass. It contains eighteen Masses (each consisting of the Kyrie, Gloria [excluded from Masses intended for weekdays/ferias], Sanctus, and Agnus Dei), six Credos, and several ad libitum chants. This collection is included in liturgical books such as the Graduale Romanum and Liber Usualis, and it is also published as a separate book by the monks of Solesmes Abbey.

In the Kyriale, the individual chants of the Ordinary are grouped into complete sets, whose title usually indicates the opening of the prosula formerly sung to each respective Kyrie melody. These masses are followed by individual items not grouped with the complete masses.

Contents [1][2][3]

The following list of Masses indicates the seasons or feasts for which each Mass is intended, listing first the Ordinary Form uses, followed by the Extraordinary Form. In practice, however, Mass settings may be used on days that fall outside the seasons or feasts listed below; additionally, chants may be extracted from multiple Mass settings for use during a given Mass.


  1. Kyriale PDF (4,12 MB) based on the Graduale romanum, 1961
  2. Kyriale Romanum PDF (390 kB) by the German "Bund für Liturgie und Gregorianik", 2001
  3. Kyriale St. Emmeram, 2nd/3rd quarter of the 15th century, digitized by the Bavarian State Library

Bibliography and external links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gregorian chant.

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