Mission Times Courier

Mission Times Courier
Type Community newspaper
Format Tabloid
Owner(s) Mission Publishing Group, LLC
Editor Genevieve A. Suzuki
Founded 1995 (as Navajo Times)
Headquarters 6549 Mission Gorge Road
San Diego, California 92120
Circulation 30,000 delivered to all homes in their circulation area
5,500 delivered to over 140 retail businesses
Website MissionTimesCourier.com

The Mission Times Courier is a monthly community newspaper published in San Diego, California by Mission Publishing Group, LLC. The newspaper was founded May 11, 1995 by Sally and Jim Madaffer.

The Mission Times Courier carries news of local community interest covering the San Diego communities of Allied Gardens, College, Del Cerro, Grantville, Rolando and San Carlos.

San Diego Press Club Awards



External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, March 18, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.