Mithri is a village situated in Taluka Kot Diji, District Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, Pakistan. It is Situated along Muhabat Waah (Canal) and National Highway connecting Khairpur to Kot Diji. Mithri is 15 KM away from Khairpu Mir's and 9 KM away from famous ancient site Kot Jo Kilo (Kot Diji Fort).
The population of Mithri is about 5,000. People of Mithri are mostly engaged in farming fields, secondly in government services. Most of the civil servents are working in Education Department, while few are Engineers and Doctors. Rid and Hajano castes are in majority here and other castes are Sanjrani, Shahani, Lashari, Laghari, Syed, Sheikh and Hindu families and some other Baloch castes. Mehmood Shah and Mithri Machine, Mithri Pul, are famous bus stops.