Moduli stack of principal bundles

In algebraic geometry, given a smooth projective curve X over a finite field \mathbf{F}_q and a smooth affine group scheme G over it, the moduli stack of principal bundles over X, denoted by \operatorname{Bun}_G(X), is an algebraic stack given by:[1] for any \mathbf{F}_q-algebra R,

\operatorname{Bun}_G(X)(R) = the category of principal G-bundles over the relative curve X \times_{\mathbf{F}_q} \operatorname{Spec}R.

In particular, the category of \mathbf{F}_q-points of \operatorname{Bun}_G(X), that is, \operatorname{Bun}_G(X)(\mathbf{F}_q), is the category of G-bundles over X.

Similarly, \operatorname{Bun}_G(X) can also be defined when the curve X is over the field of complex numbers. Roughly, in the complex case, one can define \operatorname{Bun}_G(X) as the quotient stack of the space of holomorphic connections on X by the gauge group. Replacing the quotient stack (which is not a topological space) by a homotopy quotient (which is a topological space) gives the homotopy type of \operatorname{Bun}_G(X).

In the finite field case, it is not common to define the homotopy type of \operatorname{Bun}_G(X). But one can still define a (smooth) \operatorname{Bun}_G(X).

Basic properties

It is known that \operatorname{Bun}_G(X) is a smooth stack of dimension (g(X) - 1) \dim G where g(X) is the genus of X. It is not of finite type but of locally of finite type; one thus usually uses a stratification by open substacks of finite type (cf. the Harder–Narasimhan stratification.) If G is a split reductive group, then the set of connected components \pi_0(\operatorname{Bun}_G(X)) is in a natural bijection with the fundamental group \pi_1(G).[2]

The Atiyah–Bott formula

Behrend's trace formula

This is a (conjectural) version of the Lefschetz trace formula for \operatorname{Bun}_G(X) when X is over a finite field, introduced by Behrend in 1993.[3] It states:[4] if G is a smooth affine group scheme with semisimple connected generic fiber, then

\# \operatorname{Bun}_G(X)(\mathbf{F}_q) = q^{\dim \operatorname{Bun}_G(X)} \operatorname{tr} (\phi^{-1}|H^*(\operatorname{Bun}_G(X); \mathbb{Z}_l))

where (see also Behrend's trace formula for the details)

A priori, neither left nor right side in the formula converges. Thus, the formula states that the two sides converge to finite numbers and that those numbers coincide.



Further reading

See also

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