Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University
Магілёўскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя Аркадзя Куляшова | |
Type | Public |
Established | 1913 |
Rector | Konstantin Bondarenko |
Students | 9115 |
Undergraduates | 9022 |
Postgraduates | 93 |
Location |
Mogilev, ![]() |
Website | |
Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University is a large regional educational and scientific centre situated in Mogilev city, Belarus.
Rector: Konstantin Bondarenko, Ph.D. in history, associate professor, The Republic of Belarus Honored Worker of Education
First pro-rector: Dmitriy Lavrinovich, Doctor of History
Pro-rector for education: Nikolay Buzuk, Ph.D. in philology, associate professor
Pro-rector for education: Vladimir Yasev, Ph.D. in political science, associate professor
Pro-rector for scientific work: Aleksey Ivanov, Ph.D. in philology
Pro-rector for administration and maintenance: Vladimir Karmyzov
Acting director of The continuing education and upgrade training college: Zhanna Barsukova, Ph.D. in psychology, associate professor
The Head of International Relations Department: Sergei Machekin
It was founded as the Mogilev Teachers' School on 1 July 1913[1] In 1918 The Teachers' School was reorganized into Teachers-Training College and received a status of higher educational establishment. In 1978 the college was honored with a name of the classic of Belarusian literature - Arkadiy Kuleshov. In 1997 the college passed the state accreditation. According to the accreditation it was reorganized into Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University. Since the date of its foundation the university trained more than 53 thousand specialists.
The structure of the university
There are 9 departments at the university:[2]
* Department of Science,
* Department of Foreign languages,
* Department of History,
* Department of Pedagogics and Psychology of Childhood,
* Department of Elementary Education,
* Department of Slavonic Filology,
* Department of Physics and Mathematics,
* Department of Physical Training,'
* Department of Economics and Law.'
In addition the university includes
* Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining,
* Social and Humanities College,
* Gorki Pedagogical College.
Notable alumni
International cooperation
Nowadays Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University develops partnership with higher educational establishments from Russia, the Ukraine, Serbia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, China, India, Moldova. In 2009 – 2012 it participated in Tempus project. In 2012 the University joint ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMM, (projects EMINENCE and EMINENCE II). Since 2007 foreign students from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Nigeria, Russia, Iraq, Japan, India, Turkey, and Hungary have studied at the University. The University has the scientific educational centre of Russian studies, the educational centre of the German language and culture and the centre of educational resources of the French language and culture the main aims of which to develop international cooperation with their partners in the sphere of culture, education and science.[3]
- ↑ Гісторыя Магілёўскага дзяржаўнага універсітэта (1913—1940 гг.): дакументы і матэрыялы / аўт.-склад.: А. Р. Агееў, К. М. Бандарэнка, В. П. Клімковіч; пад агульн. рэд. К. М. Бандарэнкі. — Магілёў: МДУ імя А. А. Куляшова, 2008. — 216 с.
- ↑ Официальный сайт университета
- ↑ Ключ к успеху = The key to your success : путеводитель / авторы-составители : С.Н.Мачекин, М.В.Потапкина. - Могилёв : МГУ имени А.А.Кулешова, 2013. - 80с.
1. ↑ The History of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University (1913—1940 гг.): documents / written by.: A.G.Ageev, K.M.Bondarenko, V.P.Klimkovich — Mogilev: MSU named after Kuleshov, 2008. — 216 p. 2.↑ The official web page of the University
See also
- (Russian) Могилёвский Государственный Университет имени А.Кулешова
- A List of Modern European University
- List of Universities in Belarus
Coordinates: 53°54′39″N 30°20′24″E / 53.91083°N 30.34000°E