
Momversation is a website and online video series produced by DECA, the Digital Entertainment Corporation of America. The show, which officially launched on November 12, 2008,[1] consists of mom bloggers discussing issues pertinent to women and parenting. Momversation's website contains videos, forums, and a blog.



Momversation videos are discussions among a rotating cast of moms and dads who blog. Past topics have included circumcision, breastfeeding, and homeschooling, and the show occasionally brings on guests, such as Lisa Belkin of the New York Times and Nancy O'Dell of Access Hollywood. Regular contributors to the Momversation show include Heather Armstrong of the website Dooce, Alice Bradley, Daphne Brogdon, Asha Dornfest, Jessica Gottlieb, Giyen Kim, Dana Loesch, Maggie Mason, Mindy Roberts, Heather Spohr, Karen Walrond, and Rebecca Woolf.

Every Monday and Thursday new videos are posted with a topic pertaining to moms. Three or four of the panelists talk about the topic and then it is discussed more in the comments.

Some of the Momversation panelists were guests on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

External links


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