
MonoKote is commercially available light weight plastic shrink wrap film available in various color schemes with an adhesive on one side, used to cover and form the surfaces of a model aircraft. The material is cut to size and applied to the airframe surfaces using a hobby iron or heat gun. TopFlite Monokote covering film is made by General Formulations.

The name MonoKote, a registered trademark of model aircraft manufacturer Top Flite, refers to the fact that it is a one-step covering material to coat the surface of the model to seal the flight surfaces. The patent for Top Flite Monokote is held by Sidney Axlerod[1]

Monokote is also a type of fireproofing material, which is gypsum-based and is spray-applied.[2]

See also


  1. Patent
  2. "Fireproofing - FAQs". Grace Construction Products. Retrieved 2007-07-01.

External links

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