Montreal Comiccon

Montreal Comiccon
Le Comiccon de Montréal

Montreal Comiccon logo (2011-)
Status Active
Venue Place Bonaventure (2006-2011)
Palais des Congrès (2012-)
Location(s) Montreal, Quebec
Country Canada
Inaugurated 2006
Attendance 51,000 in September 2014
Organized by Major Comics and other affiliated comic book stores

The Montreal Comiccon (French: Le Comiccon de Montréal), under its current form, was launched in 2006 as "Montreal Comic-Con". The event features comic books, toys, games, science-fiction, horror, anime, non-sport cards and collectibles. It is held 2 times a year at the Palais des Congrès convention center in downtown Montreal, with the biggest of the 2 shows (the "Comiccon") taking place in September and lasting 3 days.

Special guests, artists, exhibitors and special contests make the Comiccon suitable for children and adults. The September 2012 edition featured guests such as William Shatner (Star Trek), Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Malcolm McDowell[1] ("A Clockwork Orange"), James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and other special guests.

The Montreal Comiccon strives to become a fan convention with multi-genre content, with focus on comics, sci-fi, horror, anime and games. While sharing common traits with San Diego's Comic-Con International , the Montreal Comiccon differentiates itself by offering a variety of attractions catering to both the anglophone and francophone population markets of Montreal, and bridging the gap between American comics and European bande dessinée with crossborder and overseas guests and attractions.


As with most other comics conventions, the Montreal Comiccon offers a select range of activities, exhibits, and other attractions. Comiccon's programming consists of a large Dealers Room, an Artists Alley, a costume contest, a trading-card games area and Guest panels. New to 2010 are film screenings, Guest photo sessions and a Masquerade. 2011 sees the introduction of additional photo booths, structured autograph line-up barriers, a larger main events stage and dedicated panels/screenings rooms.


View of the main hall during the 2012 edition

The Montreal Comiccon held its first edition in 2006 at the Place Bonaventure exhibition center. From 2006 to 2010, the Comiccon was held in room 200-N, a low-ceiling windowless exhibition hall beneath the main hall. Due to 2010's outstanding success, the 2011 show was moved to Place Bonaventure's main hall to accommodate the increased attendance, giving them about three times more space to move around.

The 2012 Montreal Comiccon was held on the weekend of September 14–16, 2012. Due to unexpected demand from the 2011 event, the Montreal Comiccon expanded to a full three days in 2012. The Comiccon also changed venue in 2012, from Place Bonaventure to newer and larger convention facilities at the Palais des congrès de Montréal.

The Canadian Comic Book Creator Awards Organization agreed in principle with the organizers of the Montreal Comiccon and presented the 8th Annual Joe Shuster Awards in conjunction with the event on the evening of Saturday, September 15, 2012.[2]

Due to growing attendance rates, the 2015 event will be held in July instead of September in order to use the entire floor space of the Palais des congrès.[3]

The organizers run a smaller 1-day convention in December called the "Mini-Comiccon". The 2012 Mini-Comiccon was held on Saturday, December 8 at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal. It offered smaller selections of guests, dealers and artists, but offered at the same time more opportunities throughout the year for fans to purchase comics, meet celebrities and wear costumes, among other things. The admission prices were also lower. The organizational structure remained the same as the main September 3-day edition, but with slightly less staff and volunteers.

Dates and locations

Note: Only September/July editions are shown here.

Dates Location Attendance (turnstile) Notable guests Notes
September 2006 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
... ... First edition.
September 15–16, 2007 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
700 ... ...
September 13–14, 2008 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
1,100 ... ...
September 19–20, 2009 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
4,000 Lou Ferrigno, Jeremy Bulloch and Honky Tonk Man, with Brad Swaile. Brad Swaile was one of the first anime/manga guests to be invited to Comiccon.
September 11–12, 2010 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
8,300 Brent Spiner, Billy Dee Williams, Peter Mayhew, Ethan Van Sciver, Darick Robertson, Leonard Kirk, Herb Trimpe, Dale Eaglesham, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Larry Hama, Tim Sale, Kirby Morrow. Last time the main September edition was held in room 200-N. High attendance numbers prompts the organizers to move to the main hall.
September 17–18, 2011 Place Bonaventure
Montreal, Quebec
20,000+ Stan Lee (Guest of Honour), Adam West, Burt Ward, James Marsters, Doug Bradley, Sid Haig, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, David Prowse (canceled), Clare Kramer, Mercedes McNab, Jeremy Bulloch, Maria de Aragon, Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Noelle Hannibal, Neal Adams, Josh Adams, Sergio Aragonés, Jim Starlin (canceled), Stan Sakai, Gail Simone, Joe Benitez, Pia Guerra, Ian Boothby, Herb Trimpe, Dale Eaglesham, Vic Mignogna, Lillyxandra, KellyJane, TealPirate, Dany, Sgt Slaughter, Rick Martel, Todd van der Heyden.[4] First time the main September edition was held in the main hall. Attendance reaches facility limit and Montreal Fire Marshal's office halts ticket sales for three hours on Saturday.
September 14–16, 2012 Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Quebec
32,000[5] Patrick Stewart (Guest of Honour), William Shatner (Guest of Honour), Wil Wheaton, Brent Spiner, John de Lancie, Malcolm McDowell, James Marsters, Nicholas Brendon, Laura Vandervoort, Mike Mignola, Gunnar Hansen, Lloyd Kaufman, Kevin Sorbo, Ben Templesmith, Frank Cho, Eddie McClintock, Aaron Ashmore, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Bryan Perro, Gavin Blair, Elias Toufexis, Jean-Pierre Talbot, Heroes of the North, the cast of Being Human, Patrick Sénécal, Maxime Martin, Julie du Page, Véronique Tremblay, Rémy Couture, Johnny Yong Bosh, George Pérez, Jim Starlin, Tim Sale, Darwyn Cooke, David Finch, Richard Starkings, Yanick Paquette, Karl Kerschl, Lar Desouza, Ryan Sohmer, Dan Parent, Kelly Tindall, Geof Isherwood, Marvin Mariano, Ray Fawkes, Aislin.[6] Change of venue. First edition to be a 3-day event.
September 13–15, 2013 Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Quebec
42,000+[7] Gillian Anderson (Guest of Honour), Christopher Lloyd (Guest of Honour), George Takei, Sean Astin, Jason Mewes, Felicia Day, Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Michael Hogan, Tahmoh Penikett, Jason Mamoa, Jason David Frank, Margot Kidder, Lou Ferrigno, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, Maryse Ouellet, Bret Hart, Becky Cloonan, Neal Adams, Theresa Tilly, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker, Frazer Hines, Ray Park, Manu Bennett. ...
September 12–14, 2014 Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Quebec
51,000[8] Patrick Stewart, Colin Baker, Stephen Amell, Hulk Hogan, Katie Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Karl Urban, George A. Romero, Amy Dumas, Trish Stratus, Jimmy Hart, Brent Spiner, Danny Glover, Denise Crosby, Gates McFadden, John de Lancie, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Nick Bradshaw, Simon Bisley,[9] ...
July 3–5, 2015 Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, Quebec
... Guests of Honour: Billie Piper, John Barrowman, Karen Gillan, and Ron Perlman.

Featured Guests: Gwendoline Christie, Jason Momoa, Caitlin Blackwood, David Ramsey, Aislin, Alex A., Darwyn Cooke, Doug Bradley, Eve Myles, Francis Manapul, Garrett Wang, George Mihalka, Giancarlo Esposito, Graham McTavish, Hayley Atwell, J. August Richards, Jacques Lamontagne, Jae Lee, James O'Barr, Jeffrey Combs, Jewel Staite, Joe Flanigan, Josh McDermitt, Kane Hodder, Kevin Smith, Mark Meer, Mark Pellegrino, Michael Golden, Michael Rooker, Michel Falardeau, Mike Rooth, Mitch Pileggi, Neal Adams, Raphael Sbarge, Road Warrior Animal, Ron Simmons, Scott Wilson, Sean Gunn, Steve Blum, Steve Cardenas, Veronica Taylor, and Whilce Portacio.

Other Guests: 2 Cold Scorpio, Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau, Andy Bélanger, Ariane-Li Simard-Côté, Arthur Suydam, Béatrice Picard, Becky Cloonan, Ben Templesmith, Benoît Rousseau, Canadian Dalek Empire, Cathon, Charles Martinet, Dan Parent, Dave Ross, DeLorean Time Machine, Denis Rodier, Doctor Who Society of Canada, Ecto-1, Eric Talbot, Ethan Van Scriver (postponed), Frédéric Antoine, Frédéric Millaire-Zouvi, Francois Lapierre, Front Froid, Gabriel Lessard, Gabriel Morrissette, Gautier Langevin, Geof Isherwood, Gilbert Lachance, Heroes of the North, Hubert Gagnon, Hugolin Chevrette-Landesque, Ivy Doomkitty, Jacques, Samson, James Raiz, Jean-Baptiste Monge, Jean-Dominic Leduc, Jim Su, Johanne Léveillé, Julie Rocheleau, Karibu, Kelly Tindall (postponed), Kevin Maguire, LARPs: The Series, Les Apatrides, Maël Davan-Soulas, Mandalorian Mercs, Marco Rudy, Michel Lacombe, Michel Viau, Mike Zeck, Monika Lee, Montreal's Wolverine, Nick Bradshaw, Olivier Carpentier, Philippe Martin, Quebec Ghostbusters, Quebec Imperial Fortress, Renee Witterstaetter, Richard Suicide, Riddle, Samuel Cantin, Scott Kolins, Simon Fontaine, Sophie Bédard, Stéphanie Leduc, Tarek, Thierry Labrosse, Ty Templeton, Vincent Pompetti, Wolverine and the Montreal X-Men, Yan Mongrain, Yanick Paquette, Yohann Morin, and Zviane.

Change of month.

See also

View of the main hall during the 2011 edition


External links

Official sites

Media articles

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