
Other names Yorkese
Origin United States of America
Weight Male 4-15 lb.
Female 4-12 lb.
Litter size avg. 3 to 5 puppies
Life span 10-13 years
Classification / standards
FCI Group 9, Section 1 #65
AKC toy group
ANKC Group 1 (Toys) standard
CKC Group 5 - Toys standard
KC (UK) Toy standard
NZKC Toy and Teacup standard
UKC Companion Breed and Show Breed standard
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
A Morkie

The Morkie is a designer breed of dog which is a cross between a purebred Yorkshire terrier and a purebred Maltese. This crossbreed originated in the United States. In addition, Morkies can be bred with each other. The Morkie hybrid breed is not recognized by the American Kennel Club as a “bona fide” breed of dog.[1][2]


Morkie appearance varies widely, some expressing more of a Yorkshire terrier appearance and some a more Maltese look. They are a small breed dog, typically ranging between 4-12 pounds in weight. Common colors expressed in Morkie coats are: Black, brown, or tan and white.[3] Their coat is usually long and soft while Morkie ears can be pointed, like that of a Yorkie, or floppy, like that of a Maltese.[4]


Morkies must be brushed and groomed regularly to prevent matting. Since both the Yorkie and Maltese dog breeds have hair instead of fur, the Morkie also has hair and is therefore a hypoallergenic breed. It is also important to pay particular attention in keeping the areas around your Morkies eyes clean because of debris buildup in this area. Morkies need their teeth brushed regularly (2-3 times per week) in order to maintain good dental hygiene. This small breed should be fed 0.25-0.5 cup of hard food 2-3 times a day.[5]


Morkies are active and playful. They form strong attachments to owners as well as desire a lot of attention from their owners. Morkies are a social dog and love to be played with. Morkies are excitable, energetic, confident, and loyal. This breed can be very difficult because of their stubbornness, but they very quickly get the point of what you want so it is important to begin training early on in its life.[6]

Morkies normally get along well with other dogs and non-canine pets that they have been brought up with. Morkies can be destructive if left alone for extended periods, at such times can be prone to excessive barking. Like many dogs, Morkies are suspicious of strangers or unusual sounds in their environment and are quick to alert owners.[7]


Common health problems for the Morkie are mainly seen in the eye, ear, or oral region.[1] More health issues this breed is prone to are collapsed trachea and reverse sneezing. Morkies may suffer from the same ailments which Yorkies or Maltese suffer from, which are: tracheal collapse, cataracts, medial patellar luxation, hydrocephalus, chronic valvular heart disease, kidney failure, and glaucoma.[3]


  1. 1 2 "Morkie".
  2. "So What's a Morkie?". Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  3. 1 2 "Morkie". Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  4. Roper, Kelly. "Morkie Puppies". Love to know Dogs. Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  5. "Morkies". Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  6. "Morkie Information". Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  7. "Morkie-Morkiepoo". Retrieved 27 November 2014.

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