Sayaka Morohoshi
Sayaka Morohoshi (諸星清佳 Morohoshi Sayaka, born 24 February 1965) is a Japanese journalist known for his books and articles on modern China.
Morohoshi was born in Kushiro City in Hokkaido Prefecture and spent young days in Sapporo City. He studied Chinese modern history and literature in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.[1] He worked in the Hokkaido shimbun newspaper for a while and graduated from the master's course in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He studied Chinese modern literature in Wuhan University and Peking University.[2] He strictly criticizes Maoism and a Japanese journalist Katsuichi Honda who admired the Chinese Cultural Revolution and now tampers with his past articles and essays about China in order to conceal his standpoint as a Maoist.[3] When he was a university student, he wrote an article about Sanya(Japanese slum in Tokyo) in the newspaper of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.[4]
- 「沈黙の国の記者」A Journalist In the Silent Country (1992.12)
- 「ルポ中国」China Now (1996.7)
- 「中国革命の夢が潰えたとき」Disillusion To the Chinese Communist Revolution (2000.1)
- 「チベットの現在」Tibet Now (2014.1)
- 「劉賓雁ルポ作品集」The Selected Works of Liu Binyan (2004.7)