Moschion (physician)

For the author of the gynecological treatise Gynaecia, see Muscio.

Moschion, (Greek: Μοσχίων), a physician quoted by Soranus,[1] Andromachus,[2] and Asclepiades Pharmacion,[3] and who lived, therefore, in or before the 1st century. He may be the same person who was called the Corrector (Greek: Διορθωτής), because though he was one of the followers of Asclepiades of Bithynia, he ventured to controvert his opinions on some points.[4]

A physician of the same name is mentioned also by Soranus,[5] Plutarch,[6] Alexander of Tralles,[7] Aëtius[8] Pliny,[9] and Tertullian.[10]

In Byzantine times, a Latin treatise on gynecology by an otherwise unknown Muscio was translated into Greek; this author came to be wrongly identified with Moschion.[11]


  1. ap. Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Loc., i. 2, vol. xii.
  2. ap. Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Loc., vii. 2, vol. xiii.
  3. ap. Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen., iii. 9, vol. xiii.
  4. Galen, De Differ. Puls., iv. 16, vol. viii.
  5. Soranus, De Arte Obstetr.
  6. Plutarch, Sympos., iii. 10.2
  7. Alexander of Tralles, i. 15
  8. Aëtius, iv. 3.13
  9. Pliny, H. N., xix. 26.4
  10. Tertullian, De Anima, c. 15
  11. Owsei Temkin, (1991), Soranus' Gynecology, page xlv. JHU Press
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