Mayor of Moscow

Mayor of the City of Moscow

Sergey Sobyanin

since October 21, 2010
Residence 13 Tverskaya Street, Moscow
Term length 5 years
Inaugural holder Gavriil Kharitonovich Popov
Formation 12 June, 1991
Website Office of the Mayor
Sobyanin in his inaugural ceremony, in the Residence of the Mayor of Moscow. October 2010

The Mayor of the City of Moscow is head of the executive branch of the political system in Moscow, the Government of Moscow. The mayor's office administers all city services, public property, police and fire protection, most public agencies, and enforces all city and state laws within Moscow.

The budget overseen by the mayor's office is the largest municipal budget in the Russian Federation.

The mayor's office is located in Tverskaya Street; it has jurisdiction over all Districts of Moscow City. The mayor appoints a large number of officials, including Directors who head city departments, and his or her deputy mayors.

List of heads of Moscow government

Chairpersons of the Executive Committee (1917-1991)

Chairperson Took office Left office Party
1 Viktor Nogin
(Ви́ктор Ноги́н)
September 1917 November 1917 Communist Party
2 Mikhail Pokrovsky
(Михаи́л Покро́вский)
November 1917 March 1918 Communist Party
3 Pyotr Smidovich
(Пётр Смидович)
March 1918 October 1918 Communist Party
4 Lev Kamenev
(Лев Ка́менев)
October 1918 16 January 1926 Communist Party
5 Konstantin Ukhanov
(Константин Уханов)
16 January 1926 1931 Communist Party
6 Nikolai Bulganin
(Никола́й Булга́нин)
1931 22 July 1937 Communist Party
7 Ivan Sidorov
(Иван Сидоров)
22 July 1937 3 November 1938 Communist Party
8 Aleksandr Yefremov
(Александр Ефремов)
3 November 1938 14 April 1939 Communist Party
9 Vasily Pronin
(Васи́лий Про́нин)
14 April 1939 7 December 1944 Communist Party
10 Georgi Popov
(Георгий Попов)
7 December 1944 18 January 1950 Communist Party
11 Mikhail Yasnov
(Михаил Яснов)
18 January 1950 2 February 1956 Communist Party
12 Nikolai Bobrovnikov
(Николай Бобровников)
2 February 1956 1961 Communist Party
13 Nikolai Dygai
(Николай Дыгай)
1961 1963 Communist Party
14 Vladimir Promyslov
(Владимир Промыслов)
1963 1986 Communist Party
15 Valery Saikin
(Валерий Сайкин)
1986 12 June 1991 Communist Party

Mayors of Moscow (1991-present)

Mayor Took office Left office Party
1 Gavriil Popov
(Гаврии́л Попо́в)
12 June 1991 6 June 1992 Democratic Russia
2 Yury Luzhkov
(Ю́рий Лужко́в)
6 June 1992 21 October 2010 Fatherland – All Russia
(prior to December 1, 2001)
United Russia
(since December 1, 2001)
3 Sergey Sobyanin
(Серге́й Собя́нин)
21 October 2010 Incumbent United Russia

Last elections

See also

External links

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