Moses (Kulik)

Patriarch Moses

Patriarch Moses is the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - Canonical, an independent Orthodox church that declares its canonical origin from the Polish Orthodox Church.

He was born May 3, 1962 and given a secular birth name of Oleh Kulyk. On June 17–19, 2005 he was officially elevated to the rank of Patriarch of Kyiv and all of Rus' Ukraine by his Church. [1]


Oleh Kulyk was born in the village of Stavnytsia, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine.

In 1978–82 he studied in the Khmelnytskyi Musical School and received diplomas as a teacher of music, a flautist and a conductor of brass bands and symphonic orchestras[2] and performed as a flautist in symphonic orchestras and brass bands for four years.

He did his military service during 1982–84 in the orchestra of the Khmelnytskyi Higher Command Artillery College.

In 1984–88 he studied in Khmelnytskyi Technological Institute of public services at the Engineering-Economical Faculty, from which he graduated with a degree in accounting and economic analysis.[3]

While studying, Kulyk held the position of art director and stage manager of 12 creative bands at the same institute, bands that became winners of regional, republican and All-Soviet Union contests. As the best bands of Ukraine they were invited to go on tour through Bulgaria, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Russia.

Since 1988 Kulyk has worked at the children's music school N1 teaching the flute, where he set up the children's folk band that participated in the city and interregional concerts and festivals. He was also studying at Khmelnytskyi Orthodox Diocese, where he took the examinations to become a clergyman.

Ecclesiastical ministration

The ecclesiastical ministration started in 1989 - conducted the Episcopal professional chorus of the Nativity of Theotokos Cathedral in Khmelnytskyi[4] and also carried on the missionary work through the concert programme of orthodox singing in Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsa regions. In 1989 he was ordained into Deacon at the Nativity of the Theotokos Cathedral in Khmelnytskyi.


In 1990, being in the dignity of a deacon asked for giving the leave documents and passed into the fold of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church that had only started to revive then.

In May 1990, the Primate of UAOC Metropolitan Ioann (Bondarchuk) assigned Father Oleh Kulyk to metropolitan administrator to Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsa and Zhytomyr regions.[5]


In April 1990, in Khmelnytskyi, by ministering the Services in the open air for seven months conquered for UAOC from the Soviet civil and military authorities the St. Andrew the First Called Cathedral, which had been placed in the disposal of the military flying unit by Soviet power.

By the blessing of the Holiest Patriarch Mstyslav [Patriarch Mstyslav], was ordained into the dignity of priest on November 25, 1990, in the Saint Michael the Archangel Cathedral.[6]

Since May 1990 till October 1992, Father Oleg visited over 200 villages and cities of Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsa and Zhytomyr regions with the mission to revive Ukrainian Church, where organized and obtained the registration of about 195 UAOC communities.


In 1990, opened the Priest school where he prepared 19 priests for ordination.

During 1990–92 he opened and restored the old churches, founded new communities of UAOC.

Such activity caused the resistance of the UAOC revival adversaries: 12 assaults at Father Oleg and his family documented by the police agency, among which the attempts on their life with grave consequences and arsons of their dwelling.

In August 1992, Metropolitan Ioann Bondarchuk assigned archpriest Oleh Kulyk to the missionary ministration to the United States in the Ukrainian parishes of UAOC under the omophorion of Patriarch Mstyslav.[8]

In the USA opened the religion classes for children and adults, taught the comprehension of the Verity of God and awoke the sincere love to God in the hearts of the faithful. Took an active part in the life of the Ukrainian Diaspora, gladdened the faithful by singing and playing flute at the church concerts dedicated to the days of Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainkato the Mother's Day and Father's Day.

In 1997, after the death of Patriarch Mstyslav in 1993 and the transition of UAOC in the USA to the omophorion of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in 1995, Father Oleh Kulyk having received the canonical leave document founded a new community for the newcomer emigrants from the countries of former Soviet Union in the City of Detroit to help them in finding their way to God and in adjusting to new life. After arriving in the United States with his wife and daughter, Father Oleh began his service as parish priest for one of Detroit's Ukrainian churches.

At the same time Father Oleh studied to be a chaplain,[9] worked with the seriously ill patients in the hospital, looked after paralyzed people, was refurbishing a house of prayer to an orthodox church, with the help of his parishioners.

In 1999, after having left the Ukrainian parish, Father Oleh opened his own church in Warren, Michigan giving it the name of The Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church. While serving a small community of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Father Oleh studied by correspondence at the department of Kyiv Ecclesiastical Academy and worked full-time for Minoru Yamasaki Associates as a clerk in the archive department.[10]

In 2002 traveled to Ukraine and founded a community in Uzhhorod and obtained the registration of 12 more in the Transcarpathian region. Was preaching in schools, kinder-gardens, different organizations, teaching people the understanding of the law of God in simple terms and with practical application to life.



Upon return to the United States following the rejection of the Ukrainian Patriarch to appoint him Bishop, Father Oleh received the proposal from his newly created church, the Holy Synod of UAOC Sobornopravna of North and South America to be ordained into Bishop and assigned to Ukraine from UAOC-Sobornopravna. [1] Father Oleh based this proposal of his own elevation on the promotion in 1990 the revival of UAOC in Ukraine during the post Soviet period and work in strong partnership with the deceased Patriarch Mstyslav Skrypnyk and Metropolitan Ioann Bondarchuk and also having the experience of creation and development of the ecclesiastical structure. [11]

In October 2002, although continuing to live and service his small religious community in Sterling Heights, Michigan, в the USA Father Oleh's Hierarchs Council of UAOC Sobornopravna of North and South America was held, where were issued to ordain the clergyman Koulik O.I. into Bishop and assign in the dignity of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All the Rus-Ukraine to Ukraine for the establishment of the Archdiocese of Kyiv and All the Rus-Ukraine. [11]

On October 10, 2002, consecration and elevation to the rank of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine of Bishop Moses (Kulyk) took place in the Boris and Gleb Cathedral in Cleveland.[11] [12] Metropolitan Moses is assigned to Ukraine «for the reestablishment of the Kyiv Metropolitanate and the revival of UAOC-Sobornopravna in Ukraine, a church not recognized by any of the established orthodox churches, with the right to the full administrative management and spiritual care». [11] [13]

On November 1, 2002 was held the press-conference of Metropolitan Stephan (Babiy-Petrovich), the Primate of UAOC-Sobornopravna of North and South America, dedicated to the historical Council of UAOC-Sobornopravna hierarchs and its decision as for return of Church from Diaspora to the territory of Ukraine.[11]

In October 2002 returned to Ukraine for the archpastoral ministration, to revive the canonival lineage of the Episcopal ordination from Saint Apostle Peter and revive the canonical branch of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church from the Polish Orthodox Church, that still in 1924 received Tomos of autocephality, granted by the Ecumenical Patriarch Gregorios VII, on the canonical basis of the historical inhering to the Kyivan Rus Metropolitanate.[1] [11] [13]

Starting in 2002 and till nowadays, Vladyka Moses fulfils the mission of revival of UAOC-Sobornoprana canonical lineage in Ukraine from his apartment in Sterling Heights, Michigan, charged to him by the decision of his group of followers that he appointed as the Diaspora hierarchs of his small church.

However, in 2004 in UAOC-Sobornopravna in the USA took place the events that changed cardinally the status of Metropolitan Moses in Ukraine. Stephan, Metropolitan of UAOC-Sobornopravna withdrew from the Church administration by reason of illness. [14] The church was headed by Mykhayil . In 2004 he received the proposal as to union from Metropolitan Mefodiy (Kudriakov), the head of UAOC in Kyiv. Metropolitan Mykhayil agreed. [15] hurriedly excluded Metropolitan Moses from the list of the Hierarchs of UAOC-Sobornopravna. [16]

As the result of union UAOC-Sobornopravna in the USA passed under the omophorion of Metropolitan of UAOC in Ukraine, Mefodiy(Kudriakov). [17] UAOC in Ukraine, headed by Metropolitan Moses acquired the status of the independent jurisdiction and today has the name of UAOC-Canonical.

Metropolitan Moses realizes the active work calling upon the unification of the scattered all over the world shatters of UOC because of the historical reasons. [18] [19] [20] [21]

Since that time and till nowadays, Vladyka Moses has been actively engaging in the educating and missionary activity, has been preaching the lecture course "THE SECRETS OF THE HAPPY LIFE WITH GOD", which has already been listened by thousands of people. Due to the knowledge received at these lectures the true Christian - saving world-view is formed and almost each of the lecture listener witnesses the positive changes in their lives and in the life of their families.[7] [22]

Also founded the Priest school, which welcomes all those who strive sincerely for understanding God.


On 17–18 June 2005, on Trinity Sunday by the decision of Holy Synod and by the decision of the Ecumenical Episcopal Council of UAOC canonical, Metropolitan Moses was chosen and enthroned to Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine.[23] The enthronement took place in the orthodox sanctuary of Ukrainian people, in the main Cathedral of Ukraine - in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.[24] [25]


  1. 1 2 3 "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Sobornopravna – of North and South America" (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  2. "Diploma awarded in recognition of the satisfactory completion of the unit of Khmelnytsky Music school". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  3. "Diploma awarded in recognition of the satisfactory completion of the unit of Khmelnytsky technological institute of public services". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  4. Certificate of assignment as Choirmaster of the Nativity of Theotokos Cathedral
  5. Decree of designation as the metropolitan administrator
  6. Document of ordination into priest
  7. 1 2 3 "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Canonical". Religious Panorama (in Ukrainian) (Kyiv) 1: 67–79. 2008.
  8. Decree of assignment for missionary ministration to the USA
  9. Certificate for clinical pastoral education
  10. Completion of Kyiv Ecclesiastical Academy
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Press-release of the Head of UAOC-Sobornopravna, Metropolitan Stephan". USA: BRAMA. 1 November 2002. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  12. "Document of elevation to the office of Metropolitan.". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  13. 1 2 "Decree of assignment as Metropolitan Moses" (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-01.
  14. "Letter from Metropolitan Stephan to Metropolitan Moses" (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2009-01-01.
  15. "Official Letter of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Mefodiy, to Metropolitan Michael of the UAOC of North and South America.". 7 February 2005. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  16. "Metropolitan Moses surprised at the decision of episcopate of UAOC-Sobornopravna." (in Ukrainian). Ukraine: RISU. 17 February 2004. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  17. "Hierarchy of UAOC of North and South America and Diaspora". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  18. "Bishop Daniel de Jesus will be incardinated under the omophor of Vladika Moisey". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  19. "The first Hierarchs Council of UAOC-Canonical was held." (in Ukrainian). Ukraine: RISU. 15 October 2004. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  20. "Press-Conference in UNIAN of Metropolitan Calistos as for the fact of the UAOC of the Diaspora transition under the omophorion of Metropolitan Moses" (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  21. "The documents, testifying to the UAOC of the Diaspora transition under the omophorion of Metropolitan Moses" (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  22. "Responses to the Patriarch Moses lectures". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  23. "Act of Ecumenical Orthodox Council and the Enthronement Document". Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  24. "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church — Canonical elevates Metropolitan Moses to the dignity of Patriarch.". Maidan. 25 June 2005. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  25. "The Enthronement of the Patriarch of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox sobornopravna Church took place in the Saint Sophia Cathedral." (in Russian). CREDO. 28 June 2005. Retrieved 2009-03-01.

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