Movement Coordination Centre Europe

The Movement Coordination Centre Europe is an international military movements control centre at Eindhoven Airport in the Netherlands whose members are predominantly drawn from NATO and the EU. The Centre is staffed by 30 military and civilians personnel from the participating countries.
The genesis of MCCE began in 1999 when both EU and NATO identified shortfalls in military capability as the world emerged from a Cold War environment and into a more dynamic Expeditionary Operational era.
There were 2 main findings that remain relevant to MCCE; a shortage of Strategic Lift (air and sea) and the absence of a coordinating body to ensure that lift, when acquired, could be managed to optimize efficiency.
The MCCE is today a multi-national organisation, officially established on 01 July 2007, with the main purpose to coordinate and optimize on a global basis the use of airlift, sealift and land movement assets owned or leased by national militaries of the member Nations. The Centre is located at the Eindhoven military Air Base in The Netherlands. The MCCE is a merger of the earlier European Airlift Centre (EAC) and the Sealift Co-ordination Centre (SCC).
On 13 June 2007, 15 Nations signed the MCCE Technical Arrangement (TA): Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Luxembourg, Estonia and Finland signed in the fall 2007. Poland, Romania and the United States signed in 2008, Austria, Portugal and the Czech Republic in 2010, Croatia in 2011, Lithuania and Slovakia im 2015. Today, MCCE has 27 member nations.
The mission of the centre is to:
- Coordinate Participants’ Strategic lift (Air, Sea and Inland Surface Transport) and Air-to-Air Refuelling capabilities with Operational, Exercise and Routine requirements for lift and AAR in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness through making lift available and coordinating full use of otherwise spare capacity.
- Be prepared to provide coordination support to EU or NATO operations.
- Be prepared to provide coordinating services to Third Parties if proposed by a Participant.
- Sharing, Willingness to cooperate and Visibility of requirements and opportunities are the 2 key elements to the MCCE mission.
See also