Mr Galloway Goes to Washington

Mr Galloway Goes to Washington: the Brit who set Congress straight about Iraq

Paperback edition
Author George Galloway MP
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject Invasion of Iraq, British politics, American politics, Foreign relations
Published London
Publisher New Press
Publication date
Pages 132
ISBN 159558062X

Mr Galloway Goes to Washington: the Brit who set Congress straight about Iraq is a 2005 book by British politician George Galloway. The book concerned the actions of the United States in invading Iraq, the fallout and Galloway's 2005 appearance before the US senate.[1]


Galloway was a fierce opponent of the Invasion of Iraq, and was expelled from the Labour Party over a number of controversial comments. He subsequently became a leading member of the Respect Party and won the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency in the United Kingdom general election, 2005.[2] The Republican Party (US)-controlled Senate made a number of allegations that Galloway received personal benefits from Saddam Hussein. Galloway comparatively answers the allegations in the Senate committee.[3] The book was published by The New Press.[4]


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