Muffed Old English Game

Muffed Old English Game Hen

The Muffed Old English Game fowl is a direct descendant of the jungle fowl Gallus bankiva or red jungle fowl, imported into England during the spice trade era of early European navigation. These imported fowl were the originators of many breeds and the Muffed Old English Game fowl is probably one of the earliest of these varieties. Its color is variable, it does not have a great deal of set definitions and is not standardized by the American Poultry Association. As it is such an old breed, many local varieties have developed across the globe. There are English versions, Latin versions and American versions which may not locally fit with any definite groups of poultry and may therefore be regarded simply as chickens.


The characteristic which most distinguishes this breed from others is that its cheeks are muffed or bearded, making it a most handsome bird. It is very hardy, possibly owing to its jungle fowl heritage, and noted for being thrifty; it broods eggs wonderfully, is able to care for itself in the most primitive conditions by eating insects, grasses, weed seeds and worms, whilst all the while raising a brood of chicks in a most protective manner.

Coloration is similar to the Kraienköppe or Twentse breed, as all the jungle fowl displayed colorful shades of red with silver duckwing plumage. The hens can have a pheasant-like plumage in a beautiful tan. In size, they are a medium build and are sometimes classified alongside the bantams, although a Muffed Old English Game fowl is much larger than a 20 ounce bantam; it is of the type Leghorn, with 6 pound roosters and 4 pound hens. The hens lay very well, with a seasonal variation, and produce a nice creamcolored egg of a small (21 ounce) size.


Cock 2.2 kg 4.8 lbs
Hen 1.8 kg 4 lbs
Cockerel 1.8 kg 4 lbs
Pullet 1.6 kg 3.5 lbs

See also

External links

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