Muranga County

Not to be confused with Murang'a.
Muranga County

Muranga County Landscape

Coat of arms

Location in Kenya
Country  Kenya
Formed March 4th 2013
Capital Murang'a
 â€¢ Governor Mwangi Wa Marima
 â€¢ Total 2,325.8 km2 (898.0 sq mi)
Population (2009)
 â€¢ Total 942,581 [1]
Time zone EAT (UTC+3)

Murang'a County is one of the counties of Kenya's former Central Province. Its largest town is Murang'a its capital, called Fort Hall in colonial times (before 1963). It is inhabited mainly by and is considered the home of the Kikuyu, the largest community in Kenya. The county has a population of 942,581 (2009 census).[2] Many have traveled to Muranga to enjoy the lush foliage ( On the road to the post office the road forks leading traveler to take the road to Nyeri via Kiria-ini and beyond or the road to the Muranga Technical College. As the traveler walks along the road, an old English pub sits along the road on the right. Over the course of several years Muranga became a site for placement of Peace Corps volunteers (


When missionaries first came to Kenya, they were prevented from settling on the coast by the Portuguese, who had taken the coastal area, strategic for trade, from Arab powers in the 16th century. The missionaries were forced to venture into Kenya's rugged interior, and Murang'a was one of the first places they settled.

When the British set up the East African Protectorate in 1895, their first administrative post, Fort Smith, was located in Muranga.

One on the main highlights of Murang'a's history, however, is that the Mau Mau uprising was led by the Kikuyu community and the Kikuyu consider Murang'a their ancestral origin. Murang'a is considered by some as the birthplace of the Kenyan independence movement.

County Government

The Constitution of Kenya of 2010 created 47 regional governments with the formerly larger Murang'a district as a county. The county government is composed of an executive branch and an assembly.


The executive arm is headed by a governor, a position currently held by Mwangi wa Iria. In every election the each person vying for the governorship is expected to select a running mate with whom the person get elected as a single ticket. The current deputy governor of Murang'a is Gakure Monyo. The governor is assisted by a team of ministerial members referred to as County Executive Committee (CEC), which has ten other members. The individuals and their portfolios include

CEC member Portfolio
Hon. Githirwa M. Macharia Environment & Natural Resources
Hon. Muiruri Maina Edward Youth,Sports,Gender,Culture,social services Co-operatives & special Programmes.
Hon. George M. Kamau Finance,IT & Economic Planning
Hon. Nyambura Macharia Public Service
Hon. Albert Mwaniki Agriculture, Livestock & Irrigation
Hon. Eng. Amos Njoroge Energy Transport & Infrastructure Development
Hon. David W. Waweru Commerce,Trade, Industry & Investment
Hon. Dr. Susan Muthoni Magada Health, water & sanitation
Hon. Gerishon Nyagia Education & Technical Training
Hon. Sarah Masaki Lands, Housing & Planning


Murang’a County Assembly is situated in Central Kenya in a town known as Murang’a town along the Kiria-ini road opposite Ihura stadium. It is in the building which was formerly the Municipal Council of Murang’a. It is in Murang’a County Government area of jurisdiction. On 4 March 2013, the general election was held in Kenya and the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs), the women representatives, the Members of Parliaments (MPs), the senators, the governors and the president were elected.

Murang’a County has 35 MCAs elected members, a speaker and 16 nominated members of which 4 are people who are physically challenged. On 22 March 2013, the elected MCAs were sworn in and the speaker of the county Assembly elected and sworn in at the same time. Subsequently, the select and the sectoral committees were formed, of which there are 18.

Select committees are the county public investment and accounts committee, county budget and appropriation committee, committee on appointments, committee on implementation, committee on delegated county legislation, committee on selection, committee on procedure and rules, the county Assembly business committee and the liaison committee.

The current speaker of the assembly is the Hon. Leonard Nduati, deputized by the Hon. Moses Gachui. The assembly is also administratively managed by Clerk to the Assembly, a post being occupied by Peter Ndegwa Mbue. The assembly's Majority Leader is the Hon. Peter Irungu Kihungi.

Learning Institutions

Currently, there is only one public university college in the county, known as Murang’a University College (MRUC). Murang’a University College (MRUC) was established in September 2011 via Murang’a University College order legal notice No. 129 of September 2011 as a constituent College of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. MRUC is the successor of Murang’a College of Technology. The University College currently operates under the provision of the Universities Act 2012 CAP 210 B of the laws of Kenya. MRUC is positioning itself to develop a distinctive profile as a progressive and international Technical University, growing its enrollment strategically.

Although the University College has just opened its doors to undergraduate students, MRUC remains strongly committed to exploring how best to harness technology to improve the quality of education it offers students. Through the continued development of our courses, we will continue to explore and embrace sound pedagogy through a combination of active and engaged learning and appropriately matched technological tools. At MRUC, students are being trained to analyze, interpret, and synthesize information from a variety of sources; practice holistic reasoning; improve verbal, visual and written communication skills; organize and contribute to team efforts; and enhance self-confidence and preparation for a career and/or postgraduate training.

The University College intends to build technology and innovations that will go a long way to improve the quality of life of the Kenyans and also contribute to quickening industrialization envisioned in vision 2030.

The University College is located 1.5 km from Murang'a town, 85 km North East of Nairobi, 70 km South East of Nyeri and 50 km South West of Embu. Its location provides a serene environment conducive for learning.

County subdivisions

Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Murang'a Municipality 24,443 11,021
Kangema Town 18,229 3,971
Muranga County County 305,632 0
Total - 348,304 14,992
* 1999 census. Source:


Administrative divisions
Division Population* Urban pop.* Headquarters
Kiharu 84,868 10,433 Muranga
Kahuro 92,104 0
Kangema 61,182 785 Kangema
Mathioya 110,139 0 Kiria-ini
Total 348,304 11,218 -
* 1999 census. Sources: , ,

The county has seven constituencies:

The county has several upcoming towns:

Central Kenya Region


Urbanisation in Central Kenya
Urbanisation in Central Kenya (Percent)
Kiambu County
Nyeri County
Nyandarua County
Muranga County
Kirinyaga County
 Kenya Average

Urbanisation by County in Central Kenya


Wealth/Poverty Level

Wealth/Poverty Level in Central Kenya
Poverty Level in Central Kenya (Percent)
Kirinyaga County
Muranga County
Kiambu County
Nyeri County
Nyandarua County
 Kenya Average

Poverty level by County


Cash crops in Murang'a county:

Notable People

Mwangi wa Iria - Governor

Kembi Gitura - Deputy Speaker of The Kenyan Senate, Senator Murang'a County

Leonard Nduati - Assembly Speaker

Wangu wa Makeri - A woman colonial chief

Kenneth Matiba - Politician, First Kenyan Opposition Leader, Business Man, civil servant

John Njoroge Michuki - Former Cabinet Minister

Sabina Wanjiru Chege - Chairperson of Education Committee in National Assembly, MP, Woman Representative Murang'a County

Clement Muchiiri Wambugu - MP, Mathioya Constituency

Elias Mbau - Former MP

Peter Kenneth - Presidential candidate 2013 elections, Former Assistant Minister and Member of Parliament

Joshua Toro - Former Assistance Minister, MP

Charles Rubia - First African Mayor of Nairobi

Alice Wahome - MP Kandara Constituency

James Mwangi - Entrepreneur, Businessman and Current C.E.O of Equity Bank

Peter Munga - Businessman, Entrepreneur

Jimnah Mbaru - Politician, Businessman, Entrepreneur

See also


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External links

Coordinates: 0°45′S 37°7′E / 0.750°S 37.117°E / -0.750; 37.117

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, March 12, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.