Muridava gas field

Country Romania
Region Black Sea
Block Muridava
Offshore/onshore offshore
Operator PetroCeltic
Field history
Discovery 2013
Start of development 2015
Start of production 2018
Current production of gas 2.8×10^6 m3/d
100×10^6 cu ft/d 1×10^9 m3/a (35×10^9 cu ft/a)
Estimated oil in place 11.7 million barrels (~1.60×10^6 t)
Estimated gas in place 4.85×10^9 m3
169×10^9 cu ft

The Muridava license block, also known as Block EX-27, is located on the continental shelf of the Romanian Black Sea. It was awarded in October 2011 to Melrose Resources, now Petroceltic International. The total estimated resources of the Muridava block are around 169 billion cubic feet (4.85 km³), and production could yield around 100 million cubic feet/day (2.8×106m³).[1]


  1. "Annual results" (PDF). PetroCeltic. 2013-04-22. Retrieved 2013-05-11.

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