
Original author(s) Mariusz Gromada
Initial release January 2010 (2010-01)
Stable release 2.3.0 / 17 January 2016 (2016-01-17)
Development status Active
Written in Java, C#
Platform JVM, Android, .NET, MONO
License Simplified BSD licenses

mXparser - Mathematical Expressions Parser / Evaluator[1]

mXparser - is an open-source mathematical expressions parser / evaluator providing abilities to calculate various expressions at a run time. Expressions definitions are given as plain text, then verified in terms of grammar / syntax, finally calculated. Library source code is maintained separately for Java and C#, providing the same API for Java/JVM, Android, .NET and MONO (Common Language Specification Compliant). Software is free and is distributed under Simplified BSD License.

Main features / usage examples

mXparser delivers functionalities such as: basic calculations, built-in constants and functions, numerical calculus operations, iterated operators, user defined constants, user defined functions, user defined recursion.

Basic operators[2]

mXparser supports basic operators, such as: addition '+', subtraction '-', multiplication '*', division '/', factorial '!', power '^', modulo '%'.

Expression e = new Expression("2+3/(4+5)^4");
double v = e.calculate();

Binary relations[2]

It is possible can combine typical expressions with binary relations (such as: greater than '>', less than '<', equality '=', inequality '<>', greater or equal '>=', lower or equal '<='), as each relation evaluation results in either '1' for true outcome, or '0' for false.

Expression e = new Expression("(2<3)+5");
double v = e.calculate();

Boolean logic[2]

Boolean logic also operates assuming equivalence of '1 as true' and '0 as false'. Supported Boolean operators include: AND conjunction , OR disjunction, NAND Sheffer stroke, NOR, XOR Exclusive OR, IMP Implication, CIMP Converse implication, NIMP Material nonimplication, CNIMP Converse nonimplication, EQV Logical biconditional, Negation.

Expression e = new Expression("1 -> 0");
double v = e.calculate();

Built-in mathematical functions[2]

Supported common mathematical functions (unary, binary and variable number of arguments), including: trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, logarithm functions, exponential function, hyperbolic functions, Inverse hyperbolic functions, Bell numbers, Lucas numbers, Stirling numbers, prime-counting function, exponential integral function, logarithmic integral function, offset logarithmic integral , binomial coefficient and others.

Expression e = new Expression("sin(0)+ln(2)+log(3,9)");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("min(1,2,3,4)+gcd(1000,100,10)");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("if(2<1, 3, 4)");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("iff(2<1, 1; 3<4, 2; 10<2, 3; 5<10, 4)");
double v = e.calculate();

Built-in math constants[2]

Built-in mathematical constants, with high precision.

Expression e = new Expression("sin(pi)+ln(e)");
double v = e.calculate();

Iterated operators[2]

Iterated summation and product operators.

Expression e = new Expression("sum(i, 1, 10, ln(i))");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("prod(i, 1, 10, sin(i))");
double v = e.calculate();

Numerical differentiation and integration[2]

mXparser delivers implementation of the following calculus operations: differentiation and integration.

Expression e = new Expression("der( sin(x), x )");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("int( sqrt(1-x^2), x, -1, 1)");
double v = e.calculate();

Prime numbers support[2]

Expression e = new Expression("ispr(21)");
double v = e.calculate();
Expression e = new Expression("Pi(1000)");
double v = e.calculate();

Elements defined by user

Library provides API for creation of user-defined objects, such as: constants, arguments, functions.

User-defined constants[3]

Constant t = new Expression("t = 2*pi");
Expression e = new Expression("sin(t)", t);
double v = e.calculate();

User-defined arguments[3]

Argument x = new Argument("x = 5");
Argument y = new Argument("y = 2*x", x);
Expression e = new Expression("sin(x)+y", x, y);
double v = e.calculate();

User-defined functions[3]

Function f = new Function("f(x, y) = sin(x)+cos(y)");
Expression e = new Expression("f(1,2)", f);
double v = e.calculate();

User-defined recursion[3]

Function fib = new Function("fib(n) = iff( n>1, fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); n=1, 1; n=0, 0 ) )");
Expression e = new Expression("fib(10)", fib);   
double v = e.calculate();



mXparser - source code

Source code is maintained and shared on GitHub.[5]

License terms

Software is free and is distributed under Simplified BSD License.

See also


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, March 02, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.