Mzimvubu to Keiskamma Water Management Area

Mzimvubu to Keiskamma WMA, or Mzimvubu to Keiskamma Water Management Area (coded: 12), includes the following major rivers: the Swane River, Mntafufu River, Mzimvubu River, Mngazi River, Mthatha River, Xora River, Mbashe River, Nqabara River, Gqunube River, Buffalo River, Nahoon River, Groot Kei River and Keiskamma River,[1] and covers the following Dams:


Primary drainage regions R and S, and also tertiary drainage regions T11 to T13, T20, T31 to T36, T60, T70, T80 and T90.

See also


External links

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