USA-200, also known as NRO Launch 28 or NROL-28, is an American signals intelligence satellite, operated by the National Reconnaissance Office. Launched in 2008, it has been identified as the second satellite in a series known as Improved Trumpet, Advanced Trumpet, or Trumpet follow-on; a replacement for the earlier Trumpet series of satellites.[2]

The infrared image of a Delta II rocket launch, captured by SBIRS-HEO sensors aboard USA-200.
USA-200 was launched by an Atlas V carrier rocket, flying in the 411 configuration, operated by United Launch Alliance. The rocket was the first Atlas V to launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, flying from Space Launch Complex 3E.[3] Liftoff occurred at 10:02 UTC (03:02 PDT) on 13 March 2008.[4][5] It was identified as NRO Launch 28,[6] and was the thirteenth flight of an Atlas V. The rocket had the tail number AV-006.[4]
The satellite's orbit and mission are officially classified, however like most classified spacecraft it has been located and tracked by amateur observers. It is in a Molniya orbit with a perigee of 1,111 kilometres (690 mi), an apogee of 37,580 kilometres (23,350 mi), and 63.5 degrees of inclination.[1] In addition to its SIGINT payload, USA-200 also carries two secondary instruments; the SBIRS-HEO-2 missile detection payload as part of the Space-Based Infrared System programme, and NASA's TWINS-2 or TWINS-B magnetospheric science instrument as part of the TWINS programme.[2]
| | | Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Manned flights are indicated in bold text. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed in italics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in brackets. |
| Jumpseat |
- OPS 4788
- OPS 1844
- OPS 7724
- OPS 2439
- OPS 6031
- OPS 7225
- OPS 7304
| Trumpet | |
| "Improved Trumpet" | |
| Fourth Generation | NROL-35 |
| |