NUAA Multirotor

Unmanned multicopter
Role UAV
National origin China
Manufacturer NUAA
Designer NUAA
Status In service
Primary user China

NUAA unmanned multicopters are Chinese unmanned multirotors developed by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), and these UAVs are mainly for research purposes.

Administer Goblin

Administer Goblin (Yu Jing-Ling or Yujingling, 御精灵) quadcopter is a quadrotor developed by NUAA. The design team first begun to develop Administer Goblin back in 2007 with a group of undergraduate students of NUAA headed by a senior Mr. Wu Jun-Qi (吴俊琦). Like most quadcopter today, its landing gear consists of a pair of skids, and it is powered by four two-blade rotors. What differs Administer Goblin from most quadrotors on the market today is that instead of four arms, it has two wings intersecting each other in cruciform.[1] Mr. Wu Jun-Qi has continued the development of Administer Goblin after becoming a lecturer at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and NUAA Administer Goblin would evolve into SJTU Administer Goblin. Specification:[2]

Black Vulture

Black Vulture (Hei-Jiu or Heijiu, 黑鹫) is a hexacopter developed by NUAA. Black Vulture is capable of precision navigation without the aid of GPS, and flight can be programmed for fully automnomous flight. Black Vulture is mainly intended for air sampling, aerial photography and cinenomatography missions.[3]

Mirage Saucer

Mirage Saucer (Huan-Ying Fei-Die or Huanying Feidie, 幻影飞碟) is an octocopter developed by a team of NUAA students headed by Ms. Yan Ling (严玲). Mirage Saucer is constructed of carbon composite material and it is intended to test a layout other than the traditional layout of typical octocopter: traditional octocopter is usually in the Union Jack layout, with eight arms extending from the center, and a rotor attached to the end of each arm. Mirage Saucer adopts an unusual layout in the shape of “#”, as opposed to the typical Union Jack layout. Contrary to the traditional Union Jack layout of typical octocopter where the length of all arms are equal, the length of the arms of Mirage Saucer are not the same. There are four longer arms and four shorter arms. Similarly, contrary to the traditional Union Jack layout of the typical octocopter where the size of all rotors are the same, sizes of rotors of Mirage Saucer is not same either. There are four large rotors attached to the end of the four long arms respectively, and at the same time, there are also four small rotors attached to the end of the four shorter arms respectively. Lift is mainly provided by the larger rotors, while the small rotors provide control for flight positioning. In comparison to the traditional Union Jack layout of typical octocopter, the usual layout of Mirage Saucer provides better balance. Specification:[4]

See also

List of unmanned aerial vehicles of the People's Republic of China


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