Nam Phong Formation

Nam Phong Formation
Stratigraphic range: Upper Triassic
Type Geological formation
Unit of Khorat Group
Underlies Phu Kradung Fm
Overlies Indosinian II Uncomformity
Primary Sandstones
Other Conglomerates, Siltstones
Region Khorat Plateau Basin
Country Thailand

The Nam Phong Formation is the basal unit of the Khorat Group. It consists of resistant, red-brown micaceous sandstones, conglomerates, siltstone and mudstone of mainly fluvial origin. The sandstones are medium to very fine-grained and are usually calcareous. The conglomerates contain pebbles of quartz, brown and grey chert, and reddish brown siltstone. Cross bedding and plane-bed stratification are common in the sandstones and conglomerates. The sandstones and conglomerates make up approximately 30% of the formation. This sedimentary rock formation is found in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. It is of Norian to Rhaetian age (Upper Triassic) to (Lower Jurassic) age, and is notable for its fossils of early dinosaurs.[1]

Vertebrate fauna

Indeterminate prosauropod remains are present in Khon Kaen Province.[1]

Color key
Taxon Reclassified taxon Taxon falsely reported as present Dubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.
Vertebrates reported from the Nam Phong Formation
Genus Species Location Stratigraphic position Material Notes Images


I. attavipachi[1]

Geographically present in Khon Kaen Province.[1]

"Associated fragmentary vertebrae, ribs, chevrons, scapula, sternal, femur."[2]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Weishampel, David B; et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution (Late Triassic, Asia)." In: Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. 525–527. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.
  2. "Table 13.1," in Weishampel, et al. (2004). Page 261.

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