Nasser Abufarha

Nasser Abufarha is a Palestinian-American businessman. He is the founder of the Palestine Fair Trade Association.
He was born in 1964 in Al-Jalama, a small farming village near Jenin, at the northern tip of the West Bank. He currently lives in the United States.
After first studying in Canada, he traveled to the United States, where an earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Wayne State University in 1989. Abufarha went on to earn a PhD in Cultural Anthropology and International Development from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2006.
In 2004, Abufarha developed the first internationally recognized standard for fair trade olive oil and established the Palestine Fair Trade Association. He also established Canaan Fair Trade, the largest exporter of certified fair trade and organic Palestinian olive oil to the United States and Europe.
His book, The Making of a Human Bomb, was published by Duke University Press in 2009.
External links
- Profile of Nasser Abufarha at the Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Palestine Fair Trade Association - About Us
- Palcast: Nasser Abufarha on Fair Trade/Organic in Palestine
- Nasser Abufarha: Bi-Nationalism in Palestine-Israel at