National Multicultural Greek Council
The National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC) is an umbrella council for eleven Multicultural Greek Letter Organizations. Established in 1998, the purpose of NMGC is to provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities; to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the greater community-at-large; and to support and promote the works of its member organizations.
Organization Name | Date Founded | Place Founded | Year Joined |
Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. | 000000001981-11-21-0000November 21, 1981 | Rutgers University–New Brunswick | Founding Member, 1998 |
Lambda Sigma Gamma Sorority, Inc. | 000000001986-10-24-0000October 24, 1986 | California State University, Sacramento | 2012 |
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. | 000000001988-10-09-0000October 9, 1988 | Montclair State University | Founding Member, 1998 |
Omega Phi Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. | November 9, 1988 | Rutgers University | Founding Member, 1998 |
Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority Inc | 000000001994-04-20-0000April 20, 1994 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Founding Member, 1998 |
Gamma Eta Sorority, Inc. | 000000001995-10-18-0000October 18, 1995 | University of Florida | 2006 |
Delta Sigma Chi Sorority Inc | 000000001996-11-27-0000November 27, 1996 | New York City College of Technology | Founding Member, 1998 |
Lambda Psi Delta Sorority Inc | 000000001997-03-09-0000March 9, 1997 | Yale University | Founding Member, 1998 |
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. | 000000001997-04-11-0000April 11, 1997 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 2011 |
Executive Board