National Order of the Leopard

National Order of the Leopard
Awarded by  Democratic Republic of the Congo
Type Order
Status Currently constituted
Sovereign President
Chancellor President
Grades (w/ post-nominals) Grand Cordon
Grand Officer
Established 24 May 1966

Ribbon bar of the order (DR Congo)
Ribbon bar of the order (Zaire)

The National Order of the Leopard is the highest honorific decoration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was instituted on 24 May 1966 in the ordonnance-law n° 66-330 by the President Joseph-Désiré Mobutu. Its rewards the high military or civil merits rendered to the Republic.

The President of the Republic is the Grand Chancellor of the Order. Its administration is in the care of the Chancellor.


The National Order of the Leopard is composed of five grades :

Notable recipients

Grand Cordons :




The funerals of late King Baudouin of Belgium are remembered in two ways :


  1. 1 2 Foro Dinastías, State visit of Zaïre in Spain, Royal Couple with President Mobutu Sese Seko
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