National Outreach Programme (LUMS)

LUMS, a university in Pakistan located in Lahore, launched its National Outreach Programme (NOP) in 2001 to extend the benefits of world-class education to students all over Pakistan and thereby become a truly national university.

Process for participation

The process includes:

Eligibility criteria

Eligibility criteria for the NOP are at least 80% marks in Matriculation exams and financial need. The applicants shortlisted on the above criteria appear in the Preliminary Evaluation Test.

After being selected on the basis of this test the students are coached. Then, the students are shortlisted on the bases of their performance in the quizzes and tests taken during this coaching session, and registered for the entrance test, fully funded by LUMS. Finally, the students who apply to LUMS and qualify on merit, are offered admission on full scholarship. There is no separate quota for NOP candidates. All students, whether they apply directly or through NOP, are evaluated on the same admission criteria. As regards assessment of financial need, a review committee has been established to ensure transparency in the process of awarding scholarships to all those who qualify for the admissions through the NOP.

Application process

Students apply to the NOP after clearing their Matriculation exam. Application is normally at least two years ahead of the undergraduate programme start date students applying in 2010 will be able to join the programme in 2012. Hence, the students of Intermediate parts I and II are eligible to apply.

Preliminary Evaluation Test

Students take the Preliminary Evaluation Test which is based on the Matriculation and Intermediate curricula. It comprises three sections: English, Mathematics and Analytical. Each section has multiple-choice questions. The duration of the test can be 75 to 90 minutes. Students are shortlisted for the coaching session on the basis of your performance in this test. A sample test paper is available online on the LUMS website.

Summer coaching session

If students are selected on the basis of the Preliminary Evaluation Test, LUMS offer a three-week coaching session at LUMS and selected cities. These tests are arranged during summer vacations (July and August) every year. All expenses with regard to boarding, lodging and coaching materials are borne by LUMS.hjvjhvhc

SAT Reasoning Test

The candidates are shortlisted on the basis of their performance in Coaching Session and are registered for SAT Reasoning Test. The application forms for undergraduate programmes are provided free. The forms are filled and submitted in the Admission Office. The admission status is communicated by the end of July.

Applicants who qualify on merit are offered admission at LUMS and are eligible for the NOP scholarship.

Admission criteria

Students are selected for admission to the undergraduate programme on evaluation of the following:

External links

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