Navy Region Northwest

Navy Region Northwest is one of several United States Navy Regions.

Commander, Navy Region Northwest provides consolidated base operations support for Navy activities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Alaska. The Commander oversees the assigned shore organization and provides facilities and space management, exercise coordination, and support to homeported and transient ships, submarines, and aircraft as well as afloat and ashore tenants, military and family members.

Puget Sound is the U. S. Navy’s third largest fleet concentration area. The major Northwest installations are Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Naval Station Everett, and Naval Base Kitsap (which includes Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Submarine Base Bangor, Naval Undersea Warfare Center - Keyport, Manchester Fuel Depot, and Naval Magazine Indian Island). The Department of the Navy spends about $5.3 billion annually in the Northwest Region area, which is home to approximately 21,000 active duty service members, 16,000 civilian employees, 6,000 drilling reservists, 40,000 family members, and 35,000 Navy retirees.

See also

External links

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