Nearest referent
The nearest referent is a grammatical term sometimes used when two or more possible referents of a pronoun, or other part of speech, cause ambiguity in a text. However "nearness", proximity, may not be the most meaningful criterion for a decision, particularly where word order, inflection and other aspects of syntax are more relevant.
The concept of nearest referent is found in analysis of various languages including classical languages Greek,[1] Latin[2] and Arabic,[3][4] and may create, or resolve, variant views in interpretation of a text.
There are other models than nearest referent for deciding what a pronoun, or other part of speech, refers to, and reference order distinguishes pronoun-referent structures where:
- the pronoun follows its antecedent (Forward Reference, FW)
- the pronoun precedes its referent (Backward Reference, BW)[5]
This is also described as anaphoric reference (anaphor, previous referent) and cataphoric reference (cataphor, following referent).[6]
- ↑ e.g. Hebrews p628 David L. Allen - 2010 "Some see it as a reference to “Jesus Christ†since this is the nearest referent, but it is best to take it as referring to “God†since God is the subject of the entire sentence in Greek."
- ↑ e.g. Marius Victorinus' Commentary on Galatians p355 ed Stephen Andrew Cooper, 2005 "... despite the fact that it is the nearest referent of this pronoun, and not to the Christian disciplina,"
- ↑ e.g. Mohamed Mohamed Yunis Ali Medieval Islamic pragmatics: Sunni legal theorists' models of ... 2000 p57 "The general principle that can be formulated in this context is that the addresser refers to the nearest referent."
- ↑ e.g. Women, Bangladesh and international security: methods, discourses, ... Imtiaz Ahmed, Forum on Women in Security and International Affairs (Bangladesh), Bangladesh Freedom Foundation - 2004 p145 "the nearest referent of the pronoun 'them' in the verse is actually women and not men [so] if the interpreters of the Quran adhered to this rule of Arabic grammar they should have concluded that God has made some of them ie women excel,"
- ↑ Studies in the linguistic sciences: 22 1992
- ↑ Current issues in comparative grammar p367 Robert Freidin - 1996 "It turns out that replacing the longdistance anaphor with the short-distance anaphor in (52) makes the sentences acceptable: (55) a. Zhang zhidao tazijii xihuan tade nu pengyou. Zhang know himself like his girl friend"