List of newspapers in New York in the 18th century
This is a list of newspapers published in 18th-century New York, North America.
New York newspapers by town
Newspapers published in Albany, New York:
- The Albany centinel. s.w., July 4, 1797-Dec. 30, 1800+[1]
- Albany chronicle. w., Sept. 12, 1796-Aug. 21, 1797.[1]
- Albany chronicle, or, Journal of the times. w., Aug. 28, 1797-Apr. 9, 1798.[1]
- The Albany gazette.w., Nov. 25, 1771-Aug. 3, 1772.[1]
- The Albany gazette. w., s.w., May 28, 1784-Dec. 25, 1800+[1]
- Albany journal, or, The Montgomery, Washington and Columbia intelligencer. s.w., w., Jan. 26, 1788- May 11, 1789.[1]
- The Albany register. w., s.w., Oct. 13, 1788-Dec. 26, 1800+[1]
- The New-York gazetteer, or, Northern intelligencer. w., June 3 (?), 1782-May 1, 1784.[1]
Ballston Spa
Newspapers published in Ballston Spa, New York:
- Saratoga register, or, Farmer's journal. w., July 1798(?)- 1800(?)[1]
Newspapers published in Bath, New York:
- The Bath gazette, and Genesee advertiser. w., Dec. 21, 1796-Apr. 12, 1798.[1]
Newspapers published in Brooklyn, New York:
- The Courier, and Long Island advertiser. w., June 26(?)- July 25, 1799.[1]
- The Courier, and New-York and Long Island advertiser. w., Aug. 1, 1799-June 26, 1800.[1]
- The Long Island courier. w., July 3-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Catskill, New York:
- Catskill packet. w., Aug. 6, 1792-Aug. 2, 1794[1]
Newspapers published in Cooperstown, New York:
- The Otsego herald, or, Western advertiser. w., Apr. 3, 1795-Dec. 25, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Fishkill, New York:
- The New-York packet, and the American advertiser. w., Jan. 16, 1777-Aug. 28, 1783.[1]
Newspapers published in Hudson, New York:
- The Hudson weekly gazette. w., Apr. 7, 1785-Dec. 27, 1791.[1]
Newspapers published in Kingston, New York:
- The Farmer's register. w., Sept. 29, 1792-Sept. 21, 1793.[1]
- The New-York journal, and the general advertiser. w., July 7-Oct. 13, 1777.[1]
- Rising sun. w., Sept. 28, 1793-Apr. 28, 1798.[1]
- Ulster County gazette. w., May 5, 1798-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Lansingburgh, New York:
- American spy. w., Apr. 8, 1791-Feb. 27, 1798.[1]
- Tiffany's recorder. w., June (?), 1793-Dec. 2, 1794.[1]
New York
Newspapers published in New York, New York:
- American citizen and general advertiser. d., Mar. 10- Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- American Minerva; an evening advertiser. d., May 6, 1795-Apr. 30, 1796.[1]
- American Minerva, and the New-York (evening) advertiser. d., Mar. 20, 1794-May 5, 1795. 1800+[1]
- The American Minerva, patroness of peace, commerce, and the liberal arts. d., Dec. 9, 1793-Mar. 18, 1794.[1]
- American Minerva, patroness of peace, commerce, and the liberal arts and the New-York (evening) advertiser. d., Mar. 19, 1794.[1]
- The American price-current. w., May 1-Aug. 7, 1786.[1]
- The Argus & Greenleaf's new daily advertiser. d., May 11-15, 1795.[1]
- The Argus, or, Greenleaf's new daily advertiser. d., May 16, 1795-Aug. 2, 1796.[1]
- Columbian gazette. w., Apr. 6-June 22, 1799.[1]
- Columbian gazetteer. s.w., Aug. 22, 1793-Nov. 13, 1794.[1]
- Commercial Advertiser. d., Oct. 2, 1797-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Constitutional gazette. s.w., Aug. 2, 1775-Aug. 28, 1776.[1]
- The Daily advertiser. d., Oct. 17, 1787-Dec. 30, 1800+[1]
- The Daily advertiser, political, commercial, and historical. d., Sept. 20-Oct. 21, 1785.[1]
- The Daily advertiser, political, historical, and commercial. d., Oct. 22, 1785-Oct. 16, 1787.[1]
- The Diary. d., Feb. 1, 1796-Mar. 18, 1797.[1]
- Diary and mercantile advertiser. d., Mar. 20, 1797- Sept. 13 (?), 1798.[1]
- The Diary, & universal advertiser. d., May 1795-Jan. 31, 1796.[1]
- The Diary, & universal daily advertiser. d., Feb. (?)- May 1795.[1]
- The Diary, or, Evening register. d., Jan. 1, 1794- Feb. (?), 1795.[1]
- The Diary, or, Loudon's register. d., Feb. 15, 1792- Dec. 31, 1793.[1]
- Forlorn hope. w., Mar. 24-Sept. 13, 1800.[1]
- Gazette Francaise. t.w., Mar. 4, 1796-Oct. 4, 1799.[1]
- Gazette Francaise et Americaine. t.w., July 6, 1795- Mar. 2, 1796.[1][2]
- Gazette of the United States. s.w., Apr. 15, 1789- Oct. 13, 1790.[1]
- Greenleaf's new daily advertiser. d., Aug. 3, 1796- Mar. 8, 1800.[1]
- Greenleaf's New York journal, & patriotic register. s.w., Jan. 1, 1794-Mar. 8, 1800.[1]
- The Herald; a gazette for the country. s.w., June 4, 1794- Sept. 30, 1797.[1]
- The Impartial gazetteer, and Saturday evening's post. w., May 17-Sept. 13, 1788.[1]
- The Independent gazette, or, The New-York journal revived.w., s.w., Dec. 13, 1783-Mar. 11, 1784.[1]
- The Independent journal, or, The General advertiser. w., s.w., Nov. 17, 1783-Dec. 24, 1788.[1]
- The Independent New-York gazette. w., Nov. 22-Dec. 6, 1783.[1]
- Independent reflector. w., Nov. 30, 1752-Nov. 22, 1753.[1]
- Loudon's New-York packet. s.w., Nov. 11, 1784-May 13 (?), 1785.[1]
- Mercantile advertiser. d., November 1798-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Minerva, & mercantile evening advertiser. d., May 2, 1796-Sept. 30, 1797.[1]
- The Morning post, and daily advertiser. d., Oct. 6, 1788- Jan. 2, 1792.[1]
- Mott and Hurtin's New-York weekly chronicle. w., Jan. 1- Apr. 16, 1795.[1]
- New-York chronicle. w., s.w., May 8, 1769-Jan. 4, 1770.[1]
- The New-York daily advertiser. d., Mar. 1-Sept. 19, 1785.[1]
- New-York daily gazette.d, Dec. 29, 1788-Apr. 26(?), 1795.[1]
- The New-York evening-post. w., Nov. 26, 1744-Dec. 18, 1752.[1]
- New-York evening post. t.w., Nov. 17, 1794-May 25, 1795.[1]
- The New-York gazette. w., Nov. 8, 1725-Nov. 19, 1744.[1]
- The New-York gazette. w., Aug. 13, 1759-Dec. 28, 1767.[1]
- The New-York gazette and general advertiser. d., Apr. 27, 1795-Dec. 26, 1800+[1]
- The New-York gazette: and the weekly mercury. w., Feb. 1, 1768-Nov. 10 (?), 1783.[1]
- The New-York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy. w., Jan. 1, 1753-Mar. 12, 1759.[1]
- The New-York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy. w., May 6, 1762-Oct. 9, 1766.[1]
- The New-York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy. w., Oct. 16, 1766-August or September 1773.[1]

New-York Gazette, Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, 1747
- The New-York gazette, revived in the weekly post boy. w.,Jan. 19, 1747-Dec. 25, 1752.[1]
- The New-York gazetteer; and, public advertiser. s.w., Dec. 18, 1786-Aug. 16, 1787.[1]
- The New-York gazetteer, and the country journal. w., t.w., s.w., Dec. 3, 1783-Aug. 11, 1786.[1]
- The New-York journal and daily patriotic register. d., Nov. 19, 1787-July 26, 1788.[1]
- The New-York journal, & patriotic register. s.w., May 4, 1790-Dec. 28, 1793.[1]
- The New-York journal, and State gazette. w., Mar 18, 1784- Feb. 10, 1785.[1]
- New-York journal, and weekly register. w., Jan. 18- Nov. 15, 1787.[1]
- The New-York journal, and the general advertiser. w., Feb. 17-June 16, 1785.[1]
- The New-York journal and weekly register. w., July 31, 1788-Apr. 26, 1790.[1]
- The New-York journal, or, General advertiser. w., Oct. 16, 1766-Mar. 12, 1767.[1]
- The New-York journal, or, The General advertiser. w., Mar. 19, 1767-Aug. 29, 1776.[1]
- The New-York journal, or, The Weekly register. w., June 23, 1785-Jan. 11, 1787.[1]
- The New-York mercury. w., Aug. 3(?), 1752-Jan. 25, 1768.[1]
- The New-York mercury, or, General advertiser. w., Sept. 3, 1779-Aug. 15, 1783.[1]
- The New-York morning post. s.w., Apr. 1783-Feb. 1785.[1]
- The New-York morning post, and daily advertiser. d., Feb. 23, 1785-Oct. 5, 1788.[1]
- The New-York packet. s.w., t.w., w., May 16, 1785- Jan. 26, 1792.[1]
- The New York packet. And the American advertiser. w., Jan. 4, 1776-Aug. 29, 1776; Nov. 13, 1783-Nov. 8, 1784.[1]
- The New-York price-current. w., Aug. 14 (?), 1786-(?).[1]
- New-York price-current. w., May 25, 1799-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
- New-York prices current. w., 1796-June 1797.[1]
- The New-York weekly chronicle. w., Apr. 23-Oct. 1, 1795.[1]

New York Weekly Journal, 1733; edited by John Peter Zenger[3]
- The New-York weekly journal. w., Nov. 5, 1733-Mar. 18(?), 1751.[1]
- The New-York weekly museum. w., Sept. 20, 1788-May 7, 1791.[1]
- The New-York weekly post-boy. w., Jan. 3, 1743-Jan. 12, 1747.[1]
- Oram's New-York price-current, and marine register. w., June 10, 1797-May 18, 1799.[1]
- Parker's New-York gazette, or, The Weekly post-boy. w., Mar. 19, 1759-Apr. 29, 1762.[1]
- Porcupine's gazette. Jan. 13, 1800.[1]
- Prisoner of hope. w., s.w., May 3-Aug. 23, 1800.[1]
- Register of the times. w., June 3, 1796-June 27, 1798.[1]
- Rivington's New-York gazette, and universal advertiser. s.w., Nov. 22-Dec. 31, 1783.[1]
- Rivington's New-York gazette, or, The Connecticut, Hudson's River, New-Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser. Oct. 4- Oct. 11, 1777.[1]
- Rivington's New-York gazetteer, or, The Connecticut, Hudson's River, New-Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser. w., Dec. 16, 1773-Nov. 23, 1775.[1]
- Rivington's New-York gazetteer, or, The Connecticut, New-Jersey, Hudson's-River, and Quebec weekly advertiser. w., Apr. 22-Dec. 9, 1773.[1]
- Rivington's New York loyal gazette. w., Oct. 18-Dec. 6, 1777.[1]
- The Royal American gazette. w., s.w., Jan. 16, 1777- July 31, 1783.[1]
- The Royal gazette. w., s.w., Dec. 13, 1777-Nov. 19, 1783.[1]
- The Spectator. s.w., Oct. 4, 1797-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- Temple of reason. w., Nov. 8-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Time piece. t.w., Sept. 15, 1797-Aug. 30, 1798.[1]
- The Time piece; and literary companion. t.w., Mar. 13- Sept. 13, 1797.[1]
- Weekly museum. w., May 14, 1791-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
- Weymans New-York gazette. w., Feb. 16-Aug. 6, 1759.[1]
- The Youth's news paper. w., Sept. 30-Nov. 4, 1797.[1]
Newspapers published in Poughkeepsie, New York:
- American farmer, and Dutchess County advertiser. w., June 8, 1798-July 22, 1800.[1]
- The Country journal, and the Poughkeepsie advertiser. w., Aug. 11, 1785-Sept. 23, 1788.[1]
- The New-York journal, and the general advertiser. w., May 11, 1778-Jan. 6, 1782.[1]
- The Poughkeepsie journal. w., July 14, 1789-Dec. 30, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Salem, New York:
- Northern centinel. w., Jan. 1, 1798-Jan. 21, 1800+[1]
- Washington patrol. w., May 27-Nov. 18, 1795.[1]
Newspapers published in Schenectady, New York:
- Mohawk Mercury. w., Dec. 15, 1794-Mar. 13, 1798.[1]
Newspapers published in Troy, New York:
See also
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 "Eighteenth-Century American Newspapers in the Library of Congress: New York". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
- ↑ Brigham, Clarence S. (Oct 1917). "Bibliography of American newspapers, 1690-1820: part 8: New York City". Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. 27(2): 375-513. 1917. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
- ↑ Steven J. Shaw. Colonial Newspaper Advertising: A Step toward Freedom of the Press. The Business History Review, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Autumn, 1959), pp. 409-420
Further reading
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Newspapers of New York. |
- Van Ness Ingram, John (1912). A Check List of American Eighteenth Century Newspapers in the Library of Congress. Retrieved 2010-10-21.
- Weiss, Harry B. A Graphic Summary of the Growth of Newspapers in New York and Other States, 1704-1810. New York: New York Public Library, 1948
- Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 Part VII: New York (A-L)." Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 27(1): 177-274. 1917
- Brigham, Clarence S. "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 Part IX: New York (M-W). Excepting New York City" Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 28(1): 63-133. 1918
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