Nicola Tanda
Nicola Tanda (born 1928, Sorso, Sardinia) is an Italian philologist and literary critic. He studied under Ungaretti and Sapegno at Rome. He was for over thirty years professor at the University of Sassari, first specialising in Italian literature, and then later in Sardinian philology and Sardinian literature. He is a leading advocate for minority languages and their literary expression in the island of Sardinia including the Sardinian language and Algherese Catalan. As such he is an honorary member of ANPOSDI.[1] He originated the new Philology of Italians[2] based on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. He is founder and President of the Sardinian PEN Club.[3] He is President of the jury of the Premio Ozieri[4] literary prize founded in 1956 to promote new works composed in Sardinian tongues. He founded in 2003 the Centre for Study of Sardinian Philology.[5] As an editor/director he has guided the publication of over 100 volumes written in Sardinian languages.
He is an expert of the literary theory of 19th-century Italian authors as well as an authoritative voice on many modern and contemporary Italian writers including Pratolini, Montale, Gramsci, Dessì, Deledda, Pirandello, Pandolfo Collenuccio, Monti, Sebastiano Satta, Salvatore Farina, Antonino Mura Ena, and Salvatore Satta. In 1965 he co-edited with Dessì Narratori di Sardegna the first compilation of Sardinian writers.
He is a member of the International Association for the Study of Italian Language and Literature.[6] He is an external associate of the International Centre For Multilingualism.[7]
- with G. Dessì, Narratori di Sardegna, Milan, Mursia, 1965[8]
- with Joyce Lussu, Fronti e frontiere, Milan, Mursia, 1969[9]
- Realta' e memoria nella narrativa contemporanea, Rome, Bulzoni, 1970[10]
- Contemporanei: proposte di lettura, Turin, Loescher, 1972[11]
- Classicismo e illuminismo nell'opera del Monti, Sassari, Dessì, 1974
- Pandolfo Collenuccio: il dramma della saviezza, Rome, Bulzoni, 1988[12]
- Letteratura e lingue in Sardegna, Sassari, EDES, 1991[13]
- Dal mito dell'isola all'isola del mito: Deledda e dintorni, Rome, Bulzoni, 1992[14]
- with G.Dessì, Eleonora d'Arborea: racconto drammatico in quattro atti, Sassari, EDES, 1995[15]
- Un' odissea de rimas nobas: verso la letteratura degli italiani, Cagliari, CUEC, 2003[16]
- Quale Sardegna?: pagine di vita letteraria e civile, Sassari, Delfino, 2007[17]
- Hispanic Intertextuality in Contemporary Sardinian Poetry in AnnalSS 6, 2009. Lost in Translation. Testi e culture allo specchio, Text in English in pdf
- ↑ ANPOSDI The Italian National Association of Poets and Writers in Dialect/Associazione Nazionale Poeti e Scrittori Dialettali founded in 1953 to preserve/archive the voices and memories of traditional Italian dialects. ANPOSDI(Italian)
- ↑ F.Brevini, La letteratura degli italiani, Milan, Feltrinelli, 2010
- ↑ The Sardinian PEN Centre has a website (Italian)
- ↑ Ozieri - the venue of the prize has a website (Italian). For a history of the Premio Ozieri see: here (Italian)
- ↑ The Centre for Study of Sardinian Philology has a website (Italian)
- ↑ International Association for the Study of the Italian Language and Literature website (Italian)
- ↑ International Centre For Multilingualism/Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo website (Italian)
- ↑ Sardinian Narrators/Narratori di Sardegna Google Books
- ↑ Fronts and frontiers/Fronti e frontiere Google Books
- ↑ Reality and Memory in Contemporary Narrative/Realta' e memoria nella narrativa contemporanea Google Books
- ↑ Contemporary: recommended readings/Contemporanei: proposte di lettura Google Books
- ↑ Pandolfo Collenuccio: the drama of "wisdom"/Pandolfo Collenuccio: il dramma della saviezza Google Books
- ↑ Literature and language in Sardinia/Letteratura e lingue in Sardegna Google Books
- ↑ From the myth of the island to the island of myth: Deledda and around/Dal mito dell'isola all'isola del mito: Deledda e dintorni Google Books
- ↑ Eleonora of Arborea: dramatic tale in four acts/Eleonora d'Arborea: racconto drammatico in quattro atti Google Books
- ↑ An Odyssey of rimas nobas: into the literature of the Italians/Un' odissea de rimas nobas: verso la letteratura degli italiani Google Books Text in pdf
- ↑ What Sardinia?: essays on literary and civil life/Quale Sardegna?: pagine di vita letteraria e civile Google Books