Niskanen Center

The Niskanen Center is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that advocates for environmentalism, immigration reform, civil liberties, and a national defense policy based on libertarian principles.[1][2][3] The center is named after the late William A. Niskanen, a former economic adviser to president Ronald Reagan. The Niskanen Center states that its "main audience is Washington insiders."[4]


The Niskanen Center was founded in early 2015 by Jerry Taylor.[5] At its launch, the center was composed primarily of former staffers of the Cato Institute who departed in the wake of a 2012 leadership struggle pitting Ed Crane against the Koch Brothers for control of the libertarian think tank.[6] Niskanen Center founder Taylor[7] and vice president Joe Coon[8] publicly aligned themselves with Crane during the dispute. Both departed shortly after Crane was replaced by John Allison as president of Cato as part of the settlement with the Kochs.

Funding for the center includes donors who seek to counter conservative hostility to anti-global warming measures. North Carolina businessman Jay Faison, a Republican donor, announced his contributions to the Niskanen Center as part of a long term strategy for climate action to gain a foothold within the GOP.[9] Some supporters of the Niskanen Center are more traditionally aligned with liberal causes. They include the Open Philanthropy Project, which supports the Center's work to expand legal immigration,[10] the Lawrence Linden Trust for Conservation, which provided the Niskanen Center with a grant "to develop and analyze a potential economy-wide carbon tax",[11] and a $400,000 operations grant from the Hewlett Foundation.[12]

In February 2016 the Niskanen Center outlined a "libertarian case" for supporting Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.[13] The arguments they advanced sparked a debate among libertarians in other outlets such as the Washington Post and several libertarian blogs.[14]

Goals and guidelines

The Niskanen Center focuses on producing concrete deliverables, namely, libertarian-friendly legislation and regulation, working within the existing political framework. Their target audience is currently influential Washington insiders, rather than the general public, and includes: policy-oriented legislators, presidential appointees, career civil servants in planning, evaluation and budget offices, congressional committee staff, engaged academics, and interest group analysts.[1] The focus is guided by their reading of the research on the determinants of public opinion.[15] They use two guidelines:

Policy areas

The Niskanen Center focuses on four distinct areas of public policy: climate change, foreign policy and defense, immigration reform, and technology and civil liberties.[1]

Climate change

The Niskanen Center advocates for the imposition of a global carbon tax for the purpose of offsetting global warming and the effects of climate change. In outlining the case for a carbon tax, Taylor proposed a revenue-neutral measure that will be enforced through a global tariff scheme to enforce compliance among participating nations.[16] The Niskanen Center also endorses the theory of anthropogenic global warming and believes that government action is a necessary component of mitigating the risks associated with long term sea level rise and extreme weather events associated with climate change.[17]

The Niskanen Center's support for carbon taxation represents a nearly complete reversal of Taylor's previous advocacy at the Cato Institute, where he was a vocal climate change skeptic. Taylor was the featured guest on an hour-long episode of the John Stossel show in 2009 in which he advanced arguments against anthropogenic global warming and opposed government action to address climate change.[18] Taylor explained his shift in a 2015 interview with, indicating that he had "fundamentally switched" his previous beliefs on the issue after seeing new scientific evidence.[19][20] Robert Bradley of the Institute for Energy Research, a former colleague of Taylor's during his time as a climate skeptic, has countered that Taylor's shift coincides with his appeal for donors in the climate activist community to "financially father" his new institute following the break from Cato.[21]

In November 2015 the Niskanen Center announced the founding of a new Center for Climate Science under the direction of Dr. Joseph Majkut, a climatologist who previously served on the staff of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).[22] The Center for Climate Science publishes analysis of climatology research in support of anthropogenic theories of global warming. Majkut has sought to position the Niskanen Center as an opponent of the Cato Institute's Dr. Patrick J. Michaels, a prominent skeptic within the scientific community.[23]


The Niskanen Center argues for expanding immigration to the United States. In particular, they have argued for protecting the Diversity Immigrant Visa program in the United States, increasing low-skilled immigration, and getting the United States to increase its refugee intake.[24][25]

Good Ventures, a private foundation run by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna, made a $360,000 grant to the Niskanen Center in October 2015 to support its work on immigration policy, specifically the hiring of an Immigration Policy Counsel.[26] The grant was made as part of the Open Philanthropy Project, a spinoff of a collaboration between Good Ventures and charity evaluator GiveWell.[27][28]

Technology and civil liberties

The Niskanen Center advocates a civil libertarian position on issues of privacy, cybersecurity, surveillance, and technology policy. Some of their issue areas include robotics and automation (in particular commercial drones and autonomous vehicles), encryption and cybersecurity, and issues relating to the Internet of Things.[29][30]

In particular, the technology and civil liberties department focuses on reforming government surveillance.[31] As discussed in the department's blog:

As technology has advanced, the idea of total surveillance has leaped from the pages of fiction into reality. Americans are now confronted with a near-Orwellian surveillance system that threatens to abscond with the basic civil liberties guaranteed to every American under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution. Where once courts produced warrants in the public forum, the process has now become opaque as secret courts ordering secret warrants under secret interpretations of law have become a way of life. Under such a system, there can never be a presumption of innocence, or the guarantee of a free and open exchange of ideas.[32]

Ryan Hagemann leads the department and had previously authored works on commercial drones and autonomous vehicles with the Mercatus Center's Technology Policy Program.[33][34] He maintains an adjunct fellowship with TechFreedom, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.[35]

Foreign policy and defense

The Center's Foreign Policy and Defense department is led by Matt Fay and focuses on reforming the spending and appropriations practices of the Department of Defense and U.S. armed forces. Fay, in his blog Dollars and Defense, notes that

The Pentagon often makes ill-advised choices about future needs, and Congress pushes programs that create jobs in individual districts but do little to improve America’s security. Moreover, the Department of Defense is a bureaucracy. It is subject to any number of pathologies from which all bureaucracies suffer. In fact, given its size, it is even more likely to fall prey to dysfunction. Scarcity can provide discipline. It can force useful tradeoffs.[36]


The Niskanen Center was founded and is led by Jerry Taylor, who formerly worked at the Cato Institute, where he served as director of natural resource studies, assistant editor of Regulation magazine, senior fellow, and then vice president. Before that, Taylor was the staff director for the energy and environment task force at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1][2] Will Wilkinson, who also previously worked at the Cato Institute, is the Niskanen Center's Vice President of Policy.

Advisory Board members include Yoram Bauman, Tom G. Palmer, John H. Cochrane, Tyler Cowen, Grover Norquist, Reihan Salam, Virginia Postrel, Matt Zwolinksi, and Jacob T. Levy.[1]


The Niskanen Center has sought to differentiate itself from other think tanks on the political right by espousing a position of strategic compromise, including on issue areas that break from doctrinaire non-interventionist and free market positions. In addition to taking an aggressive stance in favor of climate change action and carbon taxes, the center generally supports the maintenance of a more robust welfare state safety net in exchange for other market reforms. Wilkinson advocates a social democracy-style system that incorporates the position of political philosopher John Rawls. This ideal mirrors European states such as Denmark that pair free trade liberalism and labor market reform with heavy unemployment benefits and a public healthcare system.[37]

In early 2016 the Niskanen Center took the lead in advancing a "libertarian case" for the socialist Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. As Wilkinson wrote, "The libertarian case for Bernie Sanders is simply that Bernie Sanders wants to make America more like Denmark, Canada, or Sweden … and the citizens of those countries enjoy more liberty than Americans do. No other candidate specifically aims to make the United States more closely resemble a freer country."[38] Taylor seconded this position, asserting that there is a "case to be made that Sanders has been the most libertarian candidate in the presidential race" and calling for a "more thoughtful re-draft of the Sanders agenda." Taylor further linked this case for Sanders to a broader reformulation of political libertarianism, stating:

Were libertarians to ungrudgingly accept the case for a more adequate social safety net (a case, after all, accepted to some extent by libertarian heroes F. A. Hayek, Milton Friedman) and give up on their blanket, dogmatic opposition to all regulation and market intervention (a perfect example is their remarkable hostility to mainstream climate science), they'd find a ticket to intellectual respectability. They would also find a ticket to political relevancy — something that is being well demonstrated by the Bernie Sanders campaign.[39]

Their arguments for Sanders provoked a heated discussion by other libertarian commentators about whether there was a case to be made for Bernie Sanders. Megan McArdle countered that the thought of backing Sanders was "fun, but not convincing." "We heard a similar argument about Obamacare spurring entrepreneurship, which sounded splendid except for the total lack of evidence that national health care schemes had caused entrepreneurship to surge anywhere."[40] University of Chicago economist John Cochrane echoed this assessment by noting the political dangers of "libertarians for Sanders" position.[41]

The Niskanen Center's embrace of compromising free market purism to achieve political victories has come under broader criticism, particularly on the global warming issue. Robert Bradley of the Institute for Energy Research and former colleague of Taylor called upon the Niskanen Center to abandon its current name and claim to the "libertarian" label, noting that the late William A. Niskanen was personally skeptical of many of the climate change policies that they now advocate.[42]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "About". Niskanen Center. Retrieved December 8, 2015.
  2. 1 2 O'Connor, Patrick (January 29, 2015). "Libertarian Group Aims to Influence Immigration, Climate-Change Policies". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 8, 2015.
  3. ↑ Young, Richard C. (January 30, 2015). "Breaking News: A New Libertarian Think Tank". Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  4. ↑
  5. ↑
  6. ↑ "The Cato Institute Switches Out Captains". NewsMax.
  7. ↑ "Jerry Taylor". Koch v. Cato.
  8. ↑ "Joey Coon". Koch v. Cato.
  9. ↑ Mooney, Chris (June 10, 2015). "This businessman thinks he can change the GOP’s mind on climate change". Washington Post. Retrieved January 16, 2016.
  10. ↑ "Niskanen Immigration Policy Grant | GiveWell". GiveWell. Retrieved 2016-01-21.
  11. ↑ "Recent Grants (archived from May 2015)". Lawrence Linden Trust for Conservation. Archived from the original on May 3, 2015. Retrieved January 16, 2016.
  12. ↑ Niskanen Center Grant Record, Received March 21, 2016
  13. ↑ William Wilkinson, "Is There A Libertarian Case for Bernie Sanders?" Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  14. ↑
  15. ↑ "Niskanen Center Conspectus" (PDF). Niskanen Center. Retrieved December 8, 2015.
  16. ↑ Taylor, Jerry. "The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax" (PDF). Niskanen Center.
  17. ↑ "Libertarian Principles & Climate Change". Niskanen Center. April 6, 2015. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  18. ↑ "Stossel - Global Climate Change - December 10, 2009". YouTube.
  19. ↑ Roberts, David (May 12, 2015). "he arguments that convinced a libertarian to support aggressive action on climate". Vox. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  20. ↑ Pope, Carl (April 29, 2015). "Let the Dialogue Resume!". Huffington Post. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  21. ↑ Bradley, Robert (April 1, 2015). "Jerry Taylor: Old vs. New (what would Bill Niskanen say?)". Retrieved December 10, 2015.
  22. ↑ Geman, Ben (December 1, 2015). "Conservative-to-Conservative Outreach Heats Up Climate-Science Debate". National Journal. Retrieved January 16, 2016.
  23. ↑
  24. ↑ Bier, David (June 9, 2015). "Four Ways to Provide Legal Pathways for Lesser-Skilled Immigrants". Niskanen Center. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  25. ↑ Bier, David (November 16, 2015). "Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris". Niskanen Center. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  26. ↑ "Niskanen Center — Research on Immigration Policy". Good Ventures. October 1, 2015. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  27. ↑ "Niskanen Immigration Policy Grant". Open Philanthropy Project. October 1, 2015. Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  28. ↑ "Immigration Policy Counsel, Niskanen Center". Retrieved December 18, 2015.
  29. ↑ Hagemann, Ryan (9 November 2015). "Encryption, Trust, and the Online Economy: An Assessment of the Economic Benefits Associated with Encryption" (PDF). Niskanen Center.
  30. ↑ Hagemann, Ryan (29 December 2015). "The Future of Transportation: Autonomous, Electric, and Looped". CapX.
  31. ↑ Hagemann, Ryan. "- Remembering September 11th: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We’re Heading". Retrieved 2016-01-21.
  32. ↑ "About | Panopticontra". Panopticontra. Retrieved 2016-01-21.
  33. ↑ Adam Thierer, Ryan Hagemann (September 2014). "Removing Roadblocks to Intelligent Vehicles and Driverless Cars" (PDF). Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy.
  34. ↑ Eli Dourado, Ryan Hagemann, Adam Thierer (24 April 2015). "Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems". Mercatus Center.
  35. ↑ "TechFreedom's Staff". Retrieved 2016-01-21.
  36. ↑ "About | Dollars & Defense". Dollars & Defense. Retrieved 2016-01-21.
  37. ↑ Will Wilkinson, "Double Edged Denmark," October 15, 2015
  38. ↑ Will Wilkinson, "Is there a Libertarian Case for Bernie Sanders?
  39. ↑ Jerry Taylor, "Is there a Future for Libertarianism?" February 23, 2016
  40. ↑ Megan McArdle, "A Libertarian Case for Bernie Sanders? It's fun but Not Convincing." February 19, 2016,
  41. ↑
  42. ↑ Robert Bradley, "Jerry Taylor Old vs. New: What would Bill Niskanen say? ; Robert Bradley, "Jerry Taylor: Climate Change as Political Theater"

External links

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