Nolina erumpens

Nolina erumpens
in Cottonwood Canyon in Texas
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiosperms
Class: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Asparagaceae
Genus: Nolina
Species: N. erumpens
Binomial name
Nolina erumpens
(Torr.) S.Wats.
  • Dasylirion erumpens Torr. in W.H.Emory
  • Beaucarnea erumpens (Torr.) Baker

Nolina erumpens, foothill beargrass,[2] mesa sacahuista,[3] or sand beargrass, is a member of the Asparagaceae family subfamily Nolinaceae native to New Mexico, Texas and adjacent regions of north Mexico.[1]


The 2-2.6 feet long, 0.8 inch wide longitudinally grooved leaves of N. erumpens grow in wide tufts, and are sharp and serrated on the margins with loose-hanging filament-like appendages. The inflorescences are club shaped and rarely grow longer than the leaves, and bear numerous tiny, cream-colored flowers.[3]


Nolina erumpens is extremely rare in amateur private collections but may be found in some botanical gardens among collections of succulent plants.[4]


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