Norbert Walter Peters

Norbert Walter Peters (born March 17, 1954 ) in Stolberg (Rhld.)/district of Aachen is a German composer, sound artist and author for Radio Art
Norbert Walter Peters finished his musical education at the Aachen academy of music in the subjects guitar, singing and Renaissance lute in the year 1981. The subject music theatre as well as scientific research works had been a further main point in his musical education. He completed his education with studies of composition. Beside his pedagogic and artistic work Peters was just so active as music reviewer and free journalist.
Peters composed music for ensemble and made concerts as lute player until he 1987 came in contact to fine artists from the milieu of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. The artistic activity of Norbert Walter Peters thereupon distinctly changed: he created performances and sound installations just as picture objects.
Also in this time Peters attended two events with international artists: the sound art event „...KLÄNGE“ at the castle of Stolberg (Rhld.) and the performing arts event of the Kunstverein of Aachen. Afterwards he was guest lecturer at the Saarbrücken Academy of Fine Arts („composition and space experience “).
Since 1999 Peters conceived hear pieces for the Radio Arts. Like his sound installations they are to be assigned to the genre of the minimalism. Norbert Walter Peters has been able to realize a number of his sound installations, hear pieces and concerts by orders for composition. A. o. by musical productions of the Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Südwestrundfunk Baden-Baden, Österreichischer Rundfunk, Saarländischer Rundfunk and Radio France Culture Paris.
Works list (selection)
- 1988 the composed performance DIN-S18 for the first international Xerox art exhibition of Switzerland
- 1991 the acoustic Way of the Cross EKSIT for the Art Station of St. Peter Cologne
- 1999 the sound installation vasí-on for the Donaueschingen Festival of Contemporary Musica; a. o. as abstracting reflection about the use of the Fibonacci Series, the Golden Section and the number five in the Nocturne Opus 37/1, No. 11 G-minor of Frédéric Chopin
- 2000 the radio piece CavæTóna (voice, percussion) for the Saarländischer Rundfunk, topic is a. o. the special acoustics in the cave art of the paleolithic period and the rituals of the shamanism
- 2001 the picture object con’tinuo (presented in the Styrian autumn), this intermediary work refers a. o. to the circle figure S about the anima of the mediaeval philosopher und alchemist Ramon Llull
- 2005 the radio piece nota.thión – after the Flood (voices, violoncello) for Radio France Culture Paris and Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin; treats a. o. of the tale of the Flood in the Gilgamesh Epic from the Cuneiform script in Assyrian
- 2005/06 the radiophonic concert nota.thión – the lament of the repentant heart (flutes, voice, viola, tape) for the Bayerischer Rundfunk, uses three fragments of textes of ancient oriental languages: oldEgyptian, Hurrian and Akkadian, which reflect three opinions of the Heart in the evolutionary principle of life, death and rebirth
- 2009 the radiophonic concert beau - An Electric Fayerie (voice, e-bass, e-guitar, clarinet, violoncello, slap-e-bass, percussion, tape) for the Saarländischer Rundfunk, presented by MOUVEMENT Festival for Contemporary Music Saarbruecken AMERICAN DREAMS - AMERIKANISCHE (T)RÄUME, as hommage to Jimi Hendrix
- 2010 the radio piece dépôt de beau songe (voices, 5stringed e-bass con arco, noises) for Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin, uses textes of the Passagenwerk of Walter Benjamin and works with the voices of aphasic diseased people.
- Katalog „Het Apollohuis 1985-1990: exhibitions, concerts, installations, performances, lectures, publication“, Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven NL 1991, ISBN 90-71638-12-X
- „Kunst auf Zeit. Eine Recherche“, Verlag Ars Nicolai, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-89479-036-9
- „Donaueschinger Musiktage 1999 [Programm; 15. bis 17. Oktober 1999]“, Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken 1999, ISBN 3-89727-060-9
- „Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert/Band 12“, Helga de la Motte-Haber 1999, ISBN 3-89007-432-4
- „Eine andere Sammlung", Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum Aachen 2006, [mixing technique on paper] ISBN 3-929203-59-6
- "MOUVEMENT Festival für Neue Musik Saarbrücken AMERICAN DREAMS - AMERIKANISCHE (T)RÄUME", Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken 2009, ISBN 978-3-89727-414-3
External links
- Homepage
- En smuk drøm om Hendrix 2010
- YouTube - Small Music/Title of work
- YouTube - Ancient Music/Musician
- Sound carrier of Norbert Walter Peters in the German National Library catalogue
- Entry for Norbert Walter Peters in the catalogue of Archive for Small Press & Communication
- Entry for Norbert Walter Peters in the catalogue of New York Public Library
- Entry for Norbert Walter Peters in the catalogue of Australian Music Centre