Normandy format

Normandy format (French: Format Normandie) is a diplomatic group of senior representatives of the four countries (Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France) to resolve the situation in the East of Ukraine. The Normandy format operates mainly through telephone calls between the Ukrainian, Russian and French presidents, the German chancellor and their respective ministers of foreign affairs.

The name comes from the meeting of the heads of the four states, which for the first time was held on June 6, 2014, in Château de Bénouville, Normandy (France), in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Operation Overlord. The next meeting was held on 16-17 October in Milan (Italy) as part of Asia–Europe Meeting. Both meetings are not marked by any significant agreements. The third meeting was held on 11-12 February 2015 in Minsk (Belarus), when Minsk II agreement was signed.


Representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs

See also

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