Noumiso Shortcake

Studio album by Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re
Released July 7, 2007
Genre Art punk
Length 25:09
Label Benten Label Tokyo
Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re chronology

脳みそショートケーキ (Noumiso Shortcake) is the 2nd album by the Japanese art punk band つしまみれ (Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re).

Track listing

  1. "エアコンのリモコン" EAKON no RIMOKON / Air Conditioner Remote
  2. "バカ元カレー" BAKA moto KAREE / Stupid Ex-Boyfriend
  3. "脳みそショートケーキ" Noumiso SHOOTO KEEKI / Brain Shortcake
  4. "良いテンポです。" Yoi TENPO desu. / It's a Good Tempo.
  5. "キューティービューティーキューピー" KYUUTII BYUUTII KYUUPII / Cutie Beauty Kewpie
  6. "ママのうた" MAMA no uta / Mama's song
  7. "パンクさん" PANKU san / Mr. Punk
  8. enhanced CD『エアコンのリモコン』

English titles are approximate translations.

External links

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