Nowgam is a village in Shangus Tehsil in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir State, India Occupied Kashmir. It is located 11 km to the east of District headquarters Anantnag. 74 km from State capital Srinagar.
Demographics of Nowgam
Kashmiri is the local language here. Population of Nowgam is about 13000 comprising about 53% males and 47% females. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people living there. It is situated along the foothills of the mountain inhabited by military popularly known as Khundroo Camp. Literacy rate is about 85% but males have higher literacy rate than females. The name of the village comes from its pride of springs as it is bestowed with nine springs, so the name nowgam. The village is thickly dominated by Hindu population and have ample of temples there. This village is the best example of Hindu Muslim harmony. The Hindu people still live there despite so many rumours about their security.