Nuclear reprocessing plant Wackersdorf

WAA Wackersdorf (green building) and Murner See

The Nuclear reprocessing plant Wackersdorf (German: Wiederaufbereitungsanlage, abbreviated WAA) is a reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf in Bavaria, Germany. Because of protests the plant was never completed. Today it is an industrial site with no special features.

Anti-WAA protest

In the early 1980s plans to build a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in the Bavarian town of Wackersdorf led to major protests. In 1986, West German police armed with stun grenades, rubber bullets, water cannons, CS gas and CN-gas were confronted by demonstrators armed with slingshots, crowbars and Molotov cocktails at the site of a nuclear reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf.[1][2] The plans for the plant were abandoned in 1988. It is still unclear whether protests or plant economics or the death of the Minister-President of the state of Bavaria Franz Josef Strauß 1988 led to the decision.[3]

The Anti-WAAhnsinns Festivals were political rock concerts which took place in Germany in the 1980s. (The name is a pun on WAA and Wahnsinn = madness.) Their purpose was to support protests against a planned nuclear reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf. In 1986, the fifth festival marked the peak of the protest movement against the plant.

Protest Monuments

Ex-voto in Kreuzberg Church, Schwandorf with a prayer against the WAA

To this day there are still some monuments to the WAA resistance:

Documentary films

WAA about some German documentaries were filmed.

Many other films and documentaries are available at "WAA Wackersdorf" on video portals such as Vimeo or YouTube.

See also


  1. Energy and Now, the Political Fallout, Time, June 2, 1986
  2. Germans Arrest 300 In Antinuclear Protests
  3. Nuclear Power in Germany: A Chronology
  4. WAAhnsinn – Der Wackersdorf-Film - (Vimeo ca. 90 Min.)
  5. Spaltprozesse - (YouTube, Trailer zum Film, ca. 6 Min.)
  6. Restrisiko - (YouTube, Trailer, ca. 7 Min.)
  7. Das achte Gebot - (YouTube, Trailer, ca. 6 Min.)
  8. Halbwertszeiten - (YouTube, Trailer, ca. 6 Min.)
  9. Albtraum Atommüll - (YouTube-Playlist 1-10 je 10 Min.)
  10. WAA Wackersdorf: Strahlende Zukunft für die Oberpfalz - (Monitor-documentary on YouTube)
  11. 18 Tage Freies Wackerland 2-3 - (YouTube ca. 13 Min.), 18 Tage Freies Wackerland - (Vimeo ca. 32 Min.),
  12. 18 Tage Freies Wackerland 3-3 - (YouTube ca. 11 Min.)
  13. Schreckgespenst WAA - (YouTube ca. 4 Min.), Schreckgespenst WAA - (Vimeo ca. 26 Min.)
  14. WAA-Schlachten - (YouTube ca. 2 Min.)
  15. Wackersdorf - Ein Mythos? - (YouTube ca. 4 Min.), Wackersdorf - Ein Mythos? - (Vimeo ca. 24 Min.)
  16. Lieber heute aktiv als morgen radioaktiv - (YouTube ca. 6 Min.)
  17. Zaunkämpfe - (YouTube ca. 4 Min.)
  18. Kirche unterstützt Mahnwache am Wackersdorfdenkmal - (Salzburger Nachrichten on YouTube ca. 5 Min.)

Coordinates: 49°19′14″N 12°13′57″E / 49.32056°N 12.23250°E / 49.32056; 12.23250

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