Oakwood Health System
The Oakwood Health System is a group of 4 hospitals and dozens of medical clinics across the Metro Detroit Area.
The hospitals within the Oakwood Health System include:
- Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center Dearborn, Michigan
- Oakwood Annapolis Hospital Wayne, Michigan
- Oakwood Heritage Hospital Taylor, Michigan
- Oakwood Southshore Medical Center Trenton, Michigan
Since the early 1980s Oakwood Community Outreach has reflected their core values of Compassion, Respect, Excellence, Diversity and Ownership, and has maintained a seamless dialogue between healthcare professionals and consumers.
Teen Health Centers
Youth in the community can receive healthcare through the Oakwood Teen Health Centers. They provide a wide variety of services through school-based and school-linked programs. The mission of the Oakwood Teen Health Centers is to positively impact the health of adolescents and young adults in partnership with them and their families, schools and communities.
There are three teen health centers and two elementary school clinics:
- Oakwood Inkster Teen Health Center
- Oakwood Romulus Teen Health Center at Romulus High School
- Oakwood Taylor Teen Health Center Southgate, Michigan
- Jefferson-Barns Elementary School Clinic in Wayne-Westland
- Lincoln Elementary School Clinic in Wayne-Westland
- Jay Greene, "Hospital financial health mixed: Despite market gains, operating income drops for local systems," Crain's Detroit Business website, May 5, 2013, at http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20130505/NEWS/305059966/hospital-financial-health-mixed-despite-market-gains-operating .
- Moody's Investors Service website, at https://www.moodys.com/research/MOODYS-ASSIGNS-A2-RATING-TO-OAKWOOD-OBLIGATED-GROUPS-OAKWOOD-HEALTH--PR_242929 .
- Karen Bouffard, "Beaumont Health merger plans no hospital closures or layoffs," The Detroit News online, September 3, 2014, at http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/2014/09/03/oakwood-botsford-officials-finalize-details-of-beaumont-38b-merger-/15014697/ .