
Obodnik is a village in the municipality of Kotor Varoš, Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This settlement is located at the mouth of Kruševica and Vigošća in Vrbanja river (altitude 340 m). From this location Vrbanja valley expands into Večićko polje and the plateau around Vrbanjci.[1][2] Highway M-4 runs through Obodnik. The road to Šiprage and Kruševo Brdo also runs from this village.


Ethnic Group 1991.
Serbs 833
Bosniaks 0
Croats 4
Yugoslavians 3
Others 2
Total 842



  1. Vojnogeografski institut, Izd. (1955): Prnjavor (List karte 1:100.000, Izohipse na 20 m). Vojnogeografski institut, Beograd.
  2. Spahić M. et al. (2000): Bosna i Hercegovina (1:250.000). Izdavačko preduzeće „Sejtarija", Sarajevo.
  3. Book: "Nacionalni sastav stanovništva – Rezultati za Republiku po opštinama i naseljenim mjestima 1991.", statistički bilten br. 234, Izdanje Državnog zavoda za statistiku Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo.
  4. "Popis po mjesnim zajednicama" – http://www.fzs.ba/Podaci/nacion%20po%20mjesnim.pdf

Coordinates: 44°34′16″N 17°29′15″E / 44.5711°N 17.4875°E / 44.5711; 17.4875

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