Odd number theorem
The odd number theorem is a theorem in strong gravitational lensing which comes directly from differential topology. It says that the number of multiple images produced by a bounded transparent lens must be odd.
In fact, the gravitational lensing is a mapping from image plane to source plane . If we use direction cosines describing the bent light rays, we can write a vector field on
. However, only in some specific directions
, will the bent light rays reach the observer, i.e., the images only form where
. Then we can directly apply the Poincaré–Hopf theorem
. The index of sources and sinks is +1, and that of saddle points is −1. So the Euler characteristic equals the difference between the number of positive indices
and the number of negative indices
. For the far field case, there is only one image, i.e.,
. So the total number of images is
, i.e., odd. The strict proof needs Uhlenbeck’s Morse theory of null geodesics.
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