Office 1 Superstore

Office 1 Superstores International Inc.
Private company
Industry Retail, Wholesale, Franchise
Founded 1989
Headquarters USA
Products Office supplies, Furniture, Electronics, Stationery
Slogan All your office needs under one roof.
Office 1 store in Iceland
Typical Office 1 store interior
Largest Office 1 store located in Sofia, Bulgaria

Office 1 Superstores International Inc. is a franchise retail store chain which sells office products and supplies including office furniture and electronics. The company is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria. The company uses multiple channels of distribution including office products and stationery retail stores, telemarketing, catalog, direct mail, business to business, e-commerce and contract sales. The logo of Office 1 implies the company slogan: All your office needs under one roof.

The company was founded in 1994. Throughout the 1990s, the company expanded its operations to Europe and Asia, as well as Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and at peak had stores in 25 countries. Post the economic crisis and the decline in demand for office products due to the move to digital and ecommerce, the company retrenched and a number of vulnerable markets were closed such as Italy, Slovenia, Greece. Oddly, the chain does not operate any stores in its current home country, the United States and does not own any stores of its own. They are all franchised through master franchisees. The reason being is there was a small chain of stores in the US and it filed for bankruptcy,not being able to compete in secondary markets with Office Max, Staples and Office Depot. The US chain was the forerunner of the International group and the developer of the Office 1 Logo and several of the features seen in the overseas stores.

Office 1 now has gone from having at a peak 25 countries, to now in 2016 just 8 countries, of which half of those 8 countries only have a website. The office supplies franchise business is basically dead.

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.