Office Central pour la Répression du Trafic Illicite des Stupéfiants

The Office Central pour la Répression du Trafic Illicite des Stupéfiants (OCRTIS) is a cross agency and cross business department of the French Judicial police (National Police). It is part of the sous-direction de la lutte contre la criminalité organisée et la délinquance financière (SDLCODF). It was formed on 3 August 1953 in response to the 1936 treaty signed by the League of Nations.[1]


It comprises police, gendarmes and customs officers. Its headquarters are in the Nanterre district of Paris and it has detachments in:



The OCRTIS has access to the network of Liaison Officers of the Direction de la coopération internationale in drug producing countries and transit countries. The Office also provides statistics and operational information through its OSIRIS system.

OCRTIS officers participate in international agencies such as MAOC-N, CeCLAD-Med and regional intelligence exchange platforms in Africa.

See also


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