Olivier Costa de Beauregard

Olivier Costa de Beauregard (Paris, 6 November 1911 Poitiers, 5 February 2007) was a French relativistic and quantum physicist, and philosopher of science. He was an eminent specialist of time and of information theory. He studied under Louis de Broglie

From 1947, he proposed to de Broglie his interpretation of the EPR paradox which questions the notion of time. In 1974, with Bernard d'Espagnat, he suggested to Christian Imbert, a young professor at Institut d'Optique, to propose to Alain Aspect to perform a Bell's inequalities experimental test, to settle the conflict between the results of Clauser and Freedman at Berkeley, and Holt and Pipkin at Harvard. After Aspect decided to do a different experiment, he explained the quantum mechanical predictions by the theory of retrocausation or CPT-invariance. His numerous publications also concerned the inertial effect of spin, the Imbert effect, Fresnel evanescent wave of Fresnel, Dirac equation, etc.

Publications (books)



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